I just got a new HRM and have a question...I wanted to test the calories burned from what it tells me on the elliptical and what the monitor tells me. I did 5 minutes the way I usually do and it says I burned about 63 calories. The HRM says I burned 30. Does this seem like a fair trade off? I know that the calorie counters on the ellipticals are usually quite high. I want to make sure my HRM is set up right.


  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    What kind of HRM do you have?

    Is your HRM set up to your age, weight, height, sex and gender?

    I have the Polar FT7 and when I do the elliptical, the HRM generally shows me more calories burned then the machine shows me.. and I always go with my HRM.
  • Countrymade
    Countrymade Posts: 183 Member
    My HRM is always less than the elliptical at the gym or any other machine for that matter.
    Make sure all the info is entered correct in the HRM and go with that.
    It would be more accurate.
    I have a Polar with a chest strap.
  • dnnmccloud
    dnnmccloud Posts: 124 Member
    I don't have one yet...still researching, but did you take your resting heart rate before starting?
  • JMun
    JMun Posts: 409
    The machines always give me a higher burn than my HRM. I always go with my HRM.

    I have a Polar F4.
    JRRCLR Posts: 353
    It's a Acumen Ergo Basix. I'm only able to set up age, and then it has me set an upper zone target limit and a lower zone target limit. It says % of my max I can skip this part (I really don't understand those so I just left it....I'm 159 upper and 122 lower.) There's also an exercise factor which is like an intensity level and its set to 5...which seems ok to me.
  • hyde1977
    hyde1977 Posts: 476 Member
    I would say it is dead on!!!!! I did 20 minutes today and the machine told me 260 and my HRM told me 180

    Always go with the HRM......
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    It's a Acumen Ergo Basix. I'm only able to set up age, and then it has me set an upper zone target limit and a lower zone target limit. It says % of my max I can skip this part (I really don't understand those so I just left it....I'm 159 upper and 122 lower.) There's also an exercise factor which is like an intensity level and its set to 5...which seems ok to me.

    Since you're only able to enter age, I don't feel that its that accurate. For true accuracy you need one that lets you enter, age, sex, weight and height.

    Here is a link to read on HRM's: