size 1 or 0? 5'7"



  • Crossfire77
    Crossfire77 Posts: 17 Member
    I think it's possible. I have a friend who is 5'10 and 119 pounds (10 pounds UNDER weight) and a size 1/2, even with breast implants....she looks great in clothes...not so great in a bathing suit/naked.
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    I think clothes designers are just crazy. I have clothing from size 6 to 12 that fit me. Who the hell knows anymore what the measurements go with what sizes.

    SO agree with you on that. How is it that I have jeans in sizes 27, 28, 29 that all fit me today? Or that I'm right now wearing a size 5 but there is a skirt that is size 8 that also fits well? I'm considering cutting the labels out of all my clothes so i stop worrying about it. :)
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    i've never been a size 0 or 1 in my life. When I started wearing jr or women's clothes I was about 11, and I was a size 3. I have lost a lot of weight, and I'm back down to a size 3.

    My measurements are 35-25-34.5, and that is supposdly a size 1 or 0, but I'm not.

    I'm just wondering does height have something to do with this?

    If you are 5'7" or above, have you ever been this size, are you, or do you think it's possible?

    also if you are this size, what are your measurements!

    Just wondering! =]

    BTW, from the looks of your profile pic, you're looking great! Try not to get too hung up on sizes :) Although I do sometimes too, so I totlaly get it :)
  • Calif_Girl67
    Calif_Girl67 Posts: 526 Member
    This all has to do with your body frame and build, I am 5'7 and I have NEVER been that size but my family members ALL
    have Large boned frames. I think a size 0 or 1 is way too small anyway, I would NEVER want to be that size. Thats just me
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    My question is, why would you want to be that small?

    I'm 5'9 and when I wore juniors clothes, I was always a 9... then I put on weight and became an 11. Since I haven't shopped in the juniors section for like 4 years, I really can't tell you what size I am now. In womens clothing, I wear between a 6-10 and I weigh 160. I can't tell you what my measurements are, but whatever fits in the legs doesn't fit the waist and vice versa, so I just always get the bigger size and have the waist taken in.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I have been 5'7" since high school and am pear shaped. In high school I was a skinny thing (naturally!) and only weighed between 115-120 pounds. Back then I was a size 4/6. If I were any skinnier I would have looked skeletal.
  • FabCheeky
    FabCheeky Posts: 311
    I wanted to clarify something I see on here alot -- women referring to odd-numbered sizes (1,3,7,9) ... Those are JUNIORS sizes...teenagers!

    I used size 5 as an example, because I just realized that I fit into the pants that I wore at 18 when I was training to be a United States Marine. It was the fittest that I had been in my life before this point. Now, I'm even more fit and even more well muscled. I wear my old teenager pants PROUDLY at 32. :)
  • Matiara
    Matiara Posts: 377 Member
    It really depends on a person's frame. I'm 5'11" and around 170 and a size 10. 170 looks good on women my height who have medium/full frames, but I have a small frame and that's about 15 pounds overweight for me, mostly around my middle. :( My measurements now are 38-30-40.

    Anyway, when I was a 125 pound teenager, I wore 5s and 7s depending on the manufacturer. I would buy clothes a size higher because I don't like my clothes to be tight, so I guess I was a size 3 or 5 at that weight, but I still had curves. My measurements were 36-25-35.

    A couple of years ago, I was at the weight I am now and started a fitness routine. I was good about sticking to it and was a size 8 when I got in the mid 160s and dropped to a very loose 6 (so probably a 4) at 152. Unfortunately, I got complacent and the weight came back on. The 150-155 range is my current goal. At 152, I was 36-26-36.

    I also agree that clothing manufacturers are screwy when it comes to size. I have skirts ranging from sizes 4-10 and all fit me perfectly. That's why I use one item of clothing, my jeans, as my size guage.
  • jmgj27
    jmgj27 Posts: 531 Member
    I'm a little confused by American sizing (doesn't it go 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 etc. like it does in the UK? Confused by the in-between sizes (1, 9, 13 etc.).

    Anyhoo - I'm a British size 12 (which I think is an American size 8) and I'm 157 - measurements are 38.5 (I'm busty)-28-38. I want to get down to 36-26-36 ideally, which would make me around a size 8/10 UK (size 4/6 US). If I were any skinnier than that I think it would look awful. I have friends who are a size 8 and it looks fine. Size 6 and below, not so hot and definitely not so much when you're taller. Also, I don't know where you'd buy clothes. In the UK a size 8 is the smallest regular size although you can get a 6 in a couple of the more teenage-oriented stores. I guess you'd have to buy a child size and I can't help but think that's not right. Anyway - maybe I misunderstand all the sizing so who knows!
  • Loveebbs
    Loveebbs Posts: 300 Member
    This all has to do with your body frame and build, I am 5'7 and I have NEVER been that size but my family members ALL
    have Large boned frames. I think a size 0 or 1 is way too small anyway, I would NEVER want to be that size. Thats just me

    I agree with it depends on your body frame. I'm also 5'7 (or really about 5'7 1/2) but I have never been a size 0. The smallest I ever got was a size 6 and that was in High School. Right now, I'm happy that I'm now in between a size 8 to size 10 (depending on the jeans, pants, and etc.)
  • heathermnrd
    i agree with other people i would try different stores with non-junior a lot shorter, 5'2" but almost the same measurements im 32/24/34.5 and i can get into a 0 in stores like the limited but in juniors im def bigger prob closer to a 5
    INSANITY43 Posts: 142
    i've never been a size 0 or 1 in my life. When I started wearing jr or women's clothes I was about 11, and I was a size 3. I have lost a lot of weight, and I'm back down to a size 3.

    My measurements are 35-25-34.5, and that is supposdly a size 1 or 0, but I'm not.

    I'm just wondering does height have something to do with this?

    If you are 5'7" or above, have you ever been this size, are you, or do you think it's possible?

    also if you are this size, what are your measurements!

    Just wondering! =]

    BTW, from the looks of your profile pic, you're looking great! Try not to get too hung up on sizes :) Although I do sometimes too, so I totlaly get it :)
    INSANITY43 Posts: 142
    Sometimes those measurements that equal your size are so messed up!!!! I ordered a pair of "expensive" jeans that Oprah raved about on her entered your measurements ...they sent your "size"....I couldnt get them on past mid-thigh!!!! How "fat" do you think that made me "feel"?????ughhhhh Size numbers mean NOTHING! Fit, feel, comfort will make everyone more confident!