Is 700 calories Sufficient???

On a daily basis i only eat around 700 calories a day, I dont eat meat and try and stick with soy products.
I dont feel that my body needs to eat anymore than this, i feel full throughout the day and im not lacking in energy. I spend most of my day sitting down at a desk and then i do 30 mins of high intensity cardio or wieghts every night and pilates on a weekend.. I also do not eat back the calories i have burnt.

On weekends i probably eat abit more than this, maybe around 800-1000 cals

After reading through alot of posts the whole idea of my body going into 'stavation mode' and everyone preaching about never eating under 1200 calories has freaked me out.
I dont want to eat anymore than this as im scared of gaining weight.
But is this a suffcient amount of food to eat?

I weigh 46 kgs and im 5'5
thank you


  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    As you must know, at 5'5", 101 lbs is underweight. Markedly so. If that is you in the picture, you're lovely, but you look emaciated.

    I recommend you seek medical attention and/or psychological counseling--700 calories is dangerously low as a sustained intake, and there is no reason at all for you, at that weight, to be even considering losing weight or restricting calories. People die eating that way.

    Increase your calories and see a doctor. Please. I nearly killed myself with starvation as a teen, and it's not something to be messed with. If your body image is skewed enough that you fear gaining weight, you should seek help so you can be healthy AND happy.

  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    Nope. I would say you have reason to be freaked out. You will do damage to your body like that. I've been there and done it...and regret it every day.

    If you haven't seen these, I would very strongly urge you to read them and change your intake, as well as your mindset. I know it's scary, but your health is THE most important thing, and you will NOT be healthy with your current situation.
  • fancyhat
    fancyhat Posts: 3
    I think it's a bit of an exaggeration to say your body is in starvation mode, but it's likely that your metabolism has slowed down quite a bit to compensate for your low calorie intake. If you were to up your calorie count now, you'd obviously gain weight, but over time your metabolism would pick up and regulate so your weight would go back down again. I'd imagine with the amount of calories you're eating now it would be difficult to gain/tone muscles. o:
  • Bellyroll
    Bellyroll Posts: 316
    You are Under weight you have no reason to lose weight and these tendencys that you are explaining sorta hint to ANA. PLease get help from a medical professonal.
  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    No, it is not sufficient. As another poster mentioned, you are at an unhealthy weight for you. Gaining 10-15 pounds would be healthy for you.

    You might want to seek treatment for what appears to be an eating disorder. Having as little body fat as you do and fueling your body as little as you do is a recipe for disaster. If you can't eat more and gain weight on your own, I recommend you seek professional treatment.
  • kristilynnski
    I eat about 500 calories a day, give or take the occasion hundred cals or so. It probably isn't the best idea for health, but it works for weight loss, or for my body anyway. Been eating like this on and off for a few months and I'm still here. 5'4" and 110lbs. :)
  • cmwaddell
    cmwaddell Posts: 12
    This is a serious post.

    I'm not on this site to loose weight, im here to monitor the food and nutrients that im putting into my body.
    I eat a mostly raw diet and i have eaten like this for a long time, the amount of food i eat in a day seems like a substantial amount as its mostly fruit and vegetables.
    I dont pyschically or emotionally now how i will eat anymore calories than this. i feel that my body would be so use to this that i might gain a drastic amount of weight eating more but i also dont want too harm my body.
    i never even thought there was anything wrong with how i was eating til i came on here.
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    Thriceshy said what I was going to say. 101 pounds puts your firmly into the underweight category for your BMI (which is currently 16.8). I noticed on your page your ticker shows you want to lose 3 more kilograms ... that would put you at 94 pounds. 94!! And a BMI of 15.6. A *LOW* healthy BMI for a 5'5" tall person is 18.5. Please please PLEASE seek medical attention.

    (If people really have to worry about this being a joke I'd be a little more than pissed off, because it's not a joke.)
    PANZERIA Posts: 471 Member
    Hi there.

    Not to be mean or anything, but you definitely look as if you've got yourself an eating disorder. I would know - I've got one too (mix of ana and mia)

    Alright, I'm going to give you some facts.

    Fact 1) Your BRAIN ALONE needs a MINIMUM of 1200 - 1500 calories PER DAY. Anything below that is killing brain cells.

    Fact 2) If you work out and you're only eating a max of 700 cals, you aren't actually burning fat. You're burning muscle which includes your heart and brain.

    Fact 3) at the weight you are in that picture, I doubt you have any muscle to fight off anyone who is trying to attack/assault you. You'd be a very easy target.

    Fact 4) With no muscle, no calories, and nothing on your bones, you will die before the age of 30.

    I'm harsh, but as someone who is probably in the same position as you, you need to know this stuff.

    If you feel like you can't control it, get yourself into a clinic immediately. If you feel like, with a little help, you can pull yourself through it, then get the help and support you need and do it.

    This isn't something to post on a blog. This is serious. If you don't intake enough calories, one day you could miss one meal and your body is going to say "I'm out" and you'll have a heart attack.

    I have lost three friends because of this stuff. Don't laugh all of this off by saying "Pft, 700 calories is enough." It isn't. And if you value your life, you'll get immediate medical attention.
  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    This is a serious post.

    I'm not on this site to loose weight, im here to monitor the food and nutrients that im putting into my body.
    I eat a mostly raw diet and i have eaten like this for a long time, the amount of food i eat in a day seems like a substantial amount as its mostly fruit and vegetables.
    I dont pyschically or emotionally now how i will eat anymore calories than this. i feel that my body would be so use to this that i might gain a drastic amount of weight eating more but i also dont want too harm my body.
    i never even thought there was anything wrong with how i was eating til i came on here.

    Please be aware that you are harming your body by not eating more. That you can't eat more than that because of psychological or emotional reasons suggests that you are suffering from an eating disorder.

    Please understand that we don't say this to try to make you feel bad, but in the hope that you will realize what you are doing is not healthy and it will cause you to go seek out help tackling the problem.
  • barbiex3
    barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
    you should gain 10 pounds.
  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    I eat about 500 calories a day, give or take the occasion hundred cals or so. It probably isn't the best idea for health, but it works for weight loss, or for my body anyway. Been eating like this on and off for a few months and I'm still here. 5'4" and 110lbs. :)

    This is also an incredibly unhealthy habit that suggests an eating disorder. At your current weight, you are almost in the underweight category, and if you truly do have a goal like your ticker sys of getting down to 90 pounds, you are going to make yourself dangerously underweight and you are seriously risking your life.

    As I said to the poster, this is said out of concern and the hope that you'll realize your habits aren't healthy and you need to seek help
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    I eat about 500 calories a day, give or take the occasion hundred cals or so. It probably isn't the best idea for health, but it works for weight loss, or for my body anyway. Been eating like this on and off for a few months and I'm still here. 5'4" and 110lbs. :)
    PANZERIA Posts: 471 Member
    I just noticed how you posted about not liking carbs and meat because you're worried you'll 'gain weight.'

    There is NO WAY that you are getting the nutrients you need from fruits and vegetables, and your brain NEEDS carbohydrates in order to function. That's why this site gives you a maximum amount of carbs per day - because you need them for BASIC FUNCTIONING.

    So no, 700 calories is NOT enough and you need to enter either meat, eggs, or nuts into your diet in order to boost everything as well as carbohydrates. If thinking about that gives you any form of anxiety, you need to get yourself to a doctor right away. They will do a blood test and that will show you that your glucose levels, your iron, and your white blood cell count will be down.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    tbh, even to maintain your low weight, you should probably up your calories a bit more than that. Even if its maybe eating a handful of nuts here and there for protein and a little healthy fat. ID also advise you take some supplements too.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    This is a serious post.

    I'm not on this site to loose weight, im here to monitor the food and nutrients that im putting into my body.
    I eat a mostly raw diet and i have eaten like this for a long time, the amount of food i eat in a day seems like a substantial amount as its mostly fruit and vegetables.
    I dont pyschically or emotionally now how i will eat anymore calories than this. i feel that my body would be so use to this that i might gain a drastic amount of weight eating more but i also dont want too harm my body.
    i never even thought there was anything wrong with how i was eating til i came on here.

    While you probably would gain some with increased intake, it would not be a "drastic" amount. Perhaps try getting some more protein through beans, legumes, fish, etc...fruits and veggies are great, but do not provide all of the nutrients essential for optimal function on a daily basis.

    It really is important. You're young, and I'd hate to see you go through what I've been through in the past 20+ yrs with eating disorders and underfeeding. I feel better and am in better health now, eating 1500-2000 cals per day (while losing weight)...and LOOK better... than I ever did while undereating. Often, we don't realize how little energy we have and how poorly we feel every day, until we experience how much better it could be.

    Counselling or therapy from a professional may be able to help get you through the adjustment period of increasing intake, and all of the fears and mental blocks associated with it. I would highly recommend contacting an eating disorder association to find someone to talk to about it, and get information on how to approach it when you're ready.
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    This is awful--700 calories a day? 500 calories a day? You will die that way--your heart will stop. If you don't think this is serious, you need to do some serious reading on heart rhythm disturbances and insufficient food intake. And then read up on the lasting damage you're doing--damage to the heart muscle, bone density, and more that won't clear up with a return to healthy eating if you persist for any real length of time.

    I'm not angry, I'm not trying to be mean. I'm scared to death for you--you are killing yourselves, and all for some screwed up ideal that some screwed up society has imprinted in your head. 5'5" and a goal weight of under 100 lbs? Bones. No beauty, no grace, no smooth, firm lines. Just lumps and bones.

    And death.

    Please get help. You don't look like you think you look, and you're not accomplishing what you think you are. Please, please help yourselves, look after yourselves, seek help for yourselves.


  • cmwaddell
    cmwaddell Posts: 12
    Thank you all for your reponses and your concern :)

    I would like to add that i do not have an eating disorder!!
    I dont have any problems with my body or the way it looks, I didnt join this site to loose weight either.

    I have been eating like this for years and i actually feel extremely healthy and i have alot of energy.
    i eat 6 times a day and eat what i would consider substantial portions of food
    I just find it difficult to eat anymore calories because i eat a mostly raw food diet..
    this is way i have been bought up eating and im not about to change it now.

    I would like be eating more than calories than this but i honestly dont find that im hungry or that i have the time.
    i also refuse to snack on crap junk food that is high in calories.

    i was more looking for advice on how i could add a few more calories into my diet without gaining wieght if what im eating is not enough maybe with protein shakes or bars?
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    Often, we don't realize how little energy we have and how poorly we feel every day, until we experience how much better it could be.

    This is SO true. I've tried to explain to my husband how I had convinced myself that headaches and exhaustion and tremors were GOOD things, that hunger pangs were to be desired and enjoyed, that my periods stopping somehow meant I was succeeding. I actually relished in the sensation of feeling faint because it meant I was losing weight. He doesn't understand, and I guess that's a good thing. I felt awful for years when I was starving myself. And I remember beating myself up for being a PIG because I'd had over 800 calories in a day.

    This is dangerous, this is serious, and this can be deadly. I so hope these women get help.

  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    Someone else mentioned eating nuts. Even if you're doing clean and mostly raw eating having a bowl of oatmeal with some almonds in the morning would give you some carbs and added calories. Add a dab of local honey to it. Have some fresh ground peanut butter on apples. Add olive oil to a salad. There are so many ways you can stick to clean eating and not deprive your body of what it needs most.