Recovering from and Eating Disorder.

I think this is a little different to what most people on this site class as success, But I suffered from bulemia from the age of 12 - 16, and forced myself to recover from it.. I did it mainly alone, with pure willpower and help from an online support website.

Now, I'm taking control of my weight, and not letting that voice in the back of my head tell me how to lose weight.. I'm going to do it healthily. (:

Who has a unique success story in their life? Even if its not weight related!!


  • mamajess82
    mamajess82 Posts: 51
    Well done for taking control.

    I was sick myself for 5/6 years. I have been through some horrendous triggers since then (8 years later) but have fought never to go back there - I know how easy it can be to spiral downwards and just how much it takes to keep your head screwed on.

    Again, congratulations and keep on loving yourself. We can be our own worst enemies.

    If you ever need to talk, please feel free to msg me.

  • laurie_powers
    laurie_powers Posts: 103 Member
    I don't have a story like that of my own, but I wanted to support you in your challenge. It must be difficult. I hope if you start hearing the "voices" that you'll get some counseling. Your health is too important!
  • jesseBYAH
    jesseBYAH Posts: 446 Member
    Congrats girl, that is a fantastic accomplishment. We're all here to be healthy and you are taking a very important step in the right direction. Awesome job, keep it up, and keep loving yourself! You are worth it!
  • asteppaway
    asteppaway Posts: 54 Member
    This is terrific! Way to go! I had an eating disorder 5-6 years ago and luckily pulled myself out of it. Sadly though, most people don't recognize the mental anguish of these disorders and only see the exterior of what they seem to be. This site has been perfect for when those panicky feelings come back on occasion, and I start to hear the voice in the back of my head, that I should do something drastic...I just push it aside, and start working with my situation in a healthy way! Keep it up! So proud of your strength!
  • ALW65
    ALW65 Posts: 643 Member
    Those little voices can be so tricky and sneaky. It sure is hard to change what they're saying. Keep trying to replace their words with all the things you know in your heart to be true and hang in there! I haven't had the eating disorder issue, but lord knows we all have our vices! We shall overcome!!!!
  • punk_mama
    punk_mama Posts: 93
    Your mind can be a pretty tough thing to conquer! You made it through that you can make it through anything. Congrats on taking control and telling your voices whose in charge!!! :)
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