very sore legs, lesson learned! Do warm down...

So i started my running again yesterday and did 3 min running, 2 min walking for 30 min, followed by a 5 min walk at the end

Then I got home and sat down, forgot to do a real warm down and didnt stretch, and I am feeling it now!

Every muslce in my legs hurts!

Next time, I am warming down!


  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    Stretching after workouts is a must in my book!!! I learned that the hard way as well! Congrats on getting back into running!!!!!
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Yup. Im having the same thing.

    After my circuit training on tuesday, in which i worked out i ran a total of 3.2k in between stations, we did all cool down. Yet, my hamstrings are absolute agony two days later. Cant underestimate a thorough stretch and cooldown.
  • hollagolla
    hollagolla Posts: 44
    stop being a baby Sus! You will feel pain its normal and reminds you of the hard work you have done, besides the walk would have been a warm down :-) stretching does help but i bet you would still be in pain.
    I'm in pain too, we will suffer together!
    You know the saying, no pain, no gain! (sorry I know that was cliche)
  • midnightsukie
    midnightsukie Posts: 38 Member
    yep. i feel like i have been beaten up :(

    so today no exercise and I'll try again tomorrow!