Weight Watchers vs MFP



  • CharlieBarleyMom
    CharlieBarleyMom Posts: 727 Member
    I followed WW 10 years ago and I lost 93 pounds in about 10 months. I was ecstatic and although I never hit "goal" or "maintenance" as WW calls it, I left the program because of the cost. $12 a week and the traveling to the meeting, spending my time (precious) waiting to be weighed in, waiting on the presenter, hanging out to chat, etc. was more than I was willing to give to get to "the end". I figured I could do it myself, I was now prepared.... well, wrong.

    I put 70 pounds back on in about 5 years and then lost 40, then gained that 40+ over the next 5 years... here we are 10 years later and I started MFP 6 pounds less than I started WW 10 years ago.

    I was all prepared to go back to WW because it did work - but times are really tough and buying HEALTHY foods is quite expensive... I was still going to join their web version but I KNEW that the accountability was what I really needed... even though I know I'm doing this for me, I needed something, someone, someplace, to see the results of my new eating habits.

    Fortunately for me I have an Android phone and I saw the free MFP app... my life has been so much better since! A few weeks ago I thought, hmmm... let me check, so I downloaded the OLD and the NEW WW points calculators and I worked out my POINTS for the previous 2 days of food I had eaten... and, what a PAIN IN THE BUTT the new calculator is! (hate it) -- but, truthfully, the points and the food I had eaten were just about spot on.

    If WW was still the OLD points system, I never would have found MFP and I would probably still be losing weight, but losing more money too! And, I don't have to worry more than the calories... I don't have to have a special calculator with me to figure out my POINTS portions... I can just look at the calories. That's easier for me to make this a lifestyle change instead of a "diet".

    Hope I was able to help!
  • jagh09
    jagh09 Posts: 555 Member
    I loved WW when I did it 12 years ago. I've done it on and off the past few years too. It's very easy to follow and plan, and they do have a great online program with tons of resources and support. I made the switch to MFP a few months ago, because I wanted to be more aware of calories, fat, fiber, protein, sodium, etc. (WW gives you points and you just stick with it, without really having to think about it, which is great for some folks). Going to the Weight Watchers meetings are honestly what makes the difference. If you plan to just do an online program only, I'd say 100% MFP is the way to go. AND...MFP is a free resource which is amazing, easy to use and makes great sense. I love using it.
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    I just officially cancelled my WW Online membership! That's how much I'm loving MFP. I was a loyal WW Online member paying $18/month for over two years, and now... now I get to put that money towards something else. ;-)

    Good luck, whatever you decide to do, both are great programs.
  • csoul27
    csoul27 Posts: 53
    I want to give this a good solid month before I decide to go back to calculating points. I love the online support here which I did not have doing Weight Watchers because I was doing it alone (just tracking points no meetings). So right there it's worth staying here. Thanks everyone.