Hey everyone

AleksAas Posts: 13
edited September 29 in Introduce Yourself
My name is Aleksander I'm 27 years old and live in Oslo, Norway. After leaving my compulsorily military service 5 years ago it seems my body and I had some different goals. I've gained about 15 kilos (33 none metric whatevers) to a grand total of 110kg (242lb). My goal is to reach around 85kg (187lb) or a BMI of 24.3.

I've been at it a few weeks and it's going pretty good. I just joined MFP and I must say people seem really nice and supportive here. I work with marketing and I have to say so much positivity is rare to find Online. Awesome everyone!

Working in an office doesn't really help, but I find the daily food intake calendar a huge help, I've also started running every day after work to get some basis strength. After a few weeks I plan to change it to running 3 days and 2 days of muscle workout.

Food isn't a huge problem, the two big ones for me are Pepsi Max and smoking, I'm trying to cut back on the PM, but I actually use the smoking as a motivation. If I don't workout one day I don't allow myself to smoke. I'm 15/15 so far the last three weeks, so it's working.

Any tips on how to ditch the soda issue? Fake sugar probably isn't helping me much even though it doesn't add to much on the calculator. Thanks so much for bothering to read this.


  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
  • DBabbit
    DBabbit Posts: 173 Member
    Way to go for cutting down on the smoking! Nasty habit, I know. As for the Pepsi - Try drinking unsweetened lemon water, green tea, or just plain water. Welcome to MFP! :smile:
  • swanny320
    swanny320 Posts: 169 Member
    Hi Aleksander,

    I was a soda JUNKIE and drank at least 2 liters a day. It was insane and I always felt terrible. I've tried EVERYTHING to get off and honestly, my advice is this: quit cold turkey. Just don't drink it anymore and the best thing you can do to support that is to get off everything else that has sugar. I found it wasn't the caffiene I wanted as much as it was the sugar. So wehn I quit drinking Coca Cola, I still had massive cravings for it bcause I was still drinking and eating sugary things. Once I purged sugar from my diet, I no longer had the cravings for it. I haven't had a Coke in about two months. Occasionally, I will think about it but it seems to be more of an "emotional craving" than anything else. For example, if I had a bad day, I tend to think about it.

    It can be overcome. You can do it! Good luck!


  • grmpy1
    grmpy1 Posts: 462 Member
    I am also new to MFP but not new to the soda addiction. At one time I drank close to a 24 pack of Coke a day. I switched to diet and cut back to about half of what I was drinking. I then started drinking sugar free flavored water instead of a few sodas a day. Now I rarely drink the soda at all. I am switched to almost all water or diet green tea. It took a long time but well worth the effort when you think about the benefits of water instead of soda.
  • teaner11
    teaner11 Posts: 1
    My name is Christina, I am new to all of this, I just started yesterday. I am trying to lose the baby weight from my pregnancy and some extra lbs. after that. I am at 180lbs and my goal is 130lbs.
  • melaniemae
    melaniemae Posts: 19
  • AleksAas
    AleksAas Posts: 13
    Thank you so much everyone!

    I'll give that green tea+water thing a try for a few days!
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