Moms: Creative ways to fit in exercise?

dedicated649132 Posts: 9 Member
edited 5:53AM in Fitness and Exercise
All you Moms out there (Dads too for that matter),

If you are like me, it's very hard to get into the gym to work out between work and taking care of my 2 active preschoolers. I'm trying to think of creative ways to burn some calories, beyond chasing those crazy kids around and cleaning up after them!

I am doing some exercise DVDs on Netflix after the kids go to bed, and walking them to school whenever the weather lets me. But I feel like I need to get more creative!

What has worked (or not worked) for everyone out there? Thanks!



  • I don't go to a gym. I either go for a run at 5am before I go to work, or I run (treadmill) or do a DVD (P90X currently) after I get home, get the kids (4y, 7y) settled and fed their dinner (I eat later w/ dh when he finally gets home from work). I work out 6-7days a week. My kids go to bed fairly late, so waiting for that time would mean I'd never work out.
  • Tayla08
    Tayla08 Posts: 94
    I have a 2 year old (almost 3) and a 1 year old. I get up at 5am and do a DVD or hop on the treadmill, right now I'm doing the 30 Day Shred and then every other night after work/supper, I do the Couch to 5k....This is currently my routine. I'll also walk on my lunch break at work, I only get 30 minutes, but anything is better than's pretty hot here now, so I haven't been doing that. It's hard with kids, but you can fit it in if your creative. Take your kids on walks! I'll throw my kids in the stroller stop in town before going home and walk (we live in the country)--they enjoy it! Good luck!
  • Take them for a bike ride and run/walk behind them. It's dual purpose it wears them out and you get your exercise in!
  • chellekoren
    chellekoren Posts: 273 Member
    You can make a list of your favorite moves from the dvd's you've done and do them with the kids watching their own show. Like: Squats, situps, jumping jacks, lunges to the kitchen and back, more jumping jacks to keep the heart up, pushups, jumping from side to side, etc. Keep it up for 40 minutes and you've done a great calisthenics workout with cardio built in.

    BTW have you done the trainer's edge abs workout with the boxer dude who has an eye patch. GREAT workout!!! It's on netflix, or at least it was.
  • Improvised
    Improvised Posts: 925 Member
    I take my children on walks, and push the younger two in a double stroller. The older ones just walk along with me.
    I just had my youngest a few weeks ago. Holding her close, I'll do lunges, squats, and leg lifts, or just walk in place.
    I also have a desk pedal exerciser, I do that while nursing the baby, or watching movies with the kids.
    Getting excercise in with the kids is actually pretty easy, you just have to get creative. :)
  • PinUpMommy
    PinUpMommy Posts: 94
    I wish I could help! I'm a SAHM, but I have to go to the gym to work out. It's the only way that I can fit it in.

  • darrcn5
    darrcn5 Posts: 495 Member
    Mine is only 5.5 months, so still fairly immobile, but I load him into the stroller and go walking. While he does his tummy/mat time, I pull my mat out and squeeze in some exercise. I try to get in an hour a day, but I often do it in 15 minute chunks throughout the day.
  • heather0416
    heather0416 Posts: 118 Member
    I have an 8yr old and a 6mo old. Every other week my 8yr old is with her dad. On days that I have her, I wait until my husband gets home, we eat dinner.. then I go out for a 3mile walk/jog by myself while he watches the kids. On days that I dont have my 8yr old, I put my baby in the stroller and go for my 3 mile walk/jog every morning. If the weather isnt nice, I run up and down the stairs in my house and i dance to my JUST DANCE game for the wii. I also ask my husband if i can mow the yard now and again because i burn about 400 calories mowing our whole yard with the push mower instead of him doing it with the riding mower.
  • henney16
    henney16 Posts: 288
    I have an 8yr old and a 6mo old. Every other week my 8yr old is with her dad. On days that I have her, I wait until my husband gets home, we eat dinner.. then I go out for a 3mile walk/jog by myself while he watches the kids. On days that I dont have my 8yr old, I put my baby in the stroller and go for my 3 mile walk/jog every morning. If the weather isnt nice, I run up and down the stairs in my house and i dance to my JUST DANCE game for the wii. I also ask my husband if i can mow the yard now and again because i burn about 400 calories mowing our whole yard with the push mower instead of him doing it with the riding mower.

    Heather - I am sure your husband doesn't mind giving up the lawn mowing every once in a while, I know i wouldn't!!! I am not a mom, but I am a dad, and when I am home during the day and need to get a workout in, I take my 2 year old daughter with me for my walk/jog (push her in her stroller right around nap time and she's usually out after about 10 minutes). I recently added cycling into my routine and purchased a trailer to pull her in. Just need to get it set up and test it out before I start "draggin" her behind me. If its crummy out I wait till its her nap time or lunch time and pop in one of the DVD's I use. Maybe not creative, but my wife and I work opposite schedules and don't use a daycare so I have to do what I can to get it in. A few days a week when my wife gets up with our daughter I'll wake up at like 6am and go for a 10 mile or so bike ride.

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