building muscle

i have a gym membership and I use it for my cardio 4 days a week, but i know that my weight loss will be sustained if i build some muscle. i would LOVE to tone my arms etc. i dont feel all that comfortable walking around with all the fit muscley types at the gym to use the weights, especially because i'd just be making stuff up as i go. do any of you have suggestions about dvd programs that i could use to build muscle? what kind of weights should i get? thank you!


  • chellekoren
    chellekoren Posts: 273 Member
    Does you gym have the circuit weight things. The big machines when you do each one, you've worked every muscle. I had a trial membership once and I hit that first and it was amazing and efficient and you are just doing it on your own after the fitness person sets you up for safety. I didn't feel like I was in anyone's way or anything. If I ever join a gym, it will be for that and the ellipticals.
  • StrengthCoach0702
    StrengthCoach0702 Posts: 21 Member
    Don't invest in equipment just yet! A great starting tool would
    be to read up on Egoscue Method. This will give you some excellent
    starting exercises that are VERY safe and effective. I would then
    move onto using Isometric training to build a foundation of strength,
    and then finally thinking about picking up a weight. You can get TONS
    of free info online on these things I've mentioned. Youtube can be a good resource
    depending on who is demonstrating. Beware of flashy marketing
    for products and "systems", and of course avoid the know it alls!
    Good luck to you!!!
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member