Exercise Bike?

I am struggling to get back to working out again. I am not motivated to do any of my work out video that I have in my library and my husband moved the treadmill to the garage where he is creating a man cave workout room of sorts that I do not like to work out in. aka smells like man in there. So I was thinking about borrowing my moms exercise bike that is at her house gathering dust. Does anyone on here use the bike for workouts? Are they effective? Any suggestions?


  • cjjones007
    cjjones007 Posts: 602
    I sometimes will use it - I prefer an elliptical, but I have an MFP friend who has done fantastic with his exercise bike.

    The trick will ALWAYS be to get your heart rate to the fat burning level and to burn calories - it can be done with most any exercise equipment :)

    So proud of you that you recognize your struggle, but instead of giving up you are looking for alternatives!!! Good for you...

    (Or you could just get some "sandlewood" air fresheners lol we guys don't mind that smell and it would make the man cave smell better lol)
  • heather62803
    heather62803 Posts: 266 Member
    I have one, I used it frequently when I first got it, but it got old pretty quick, I haven't used it in months. I prefer walking outside in the fresh air and sunshine, however the summer heat is going to get pretty miserable pretty quick and I may have to revert back to the bike!
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    I have a recumbant bike in my living room. It can be a really good workout, especially because it has resistance that I can add! Also, I like to do a strength routine with dumbbells as I bike sometimes, just to make it a full body workout.
  • EmsyLou77
    EmsyLou77 Posts: 47 Member
    From what I've read doing intervals is the most effective way to use an exercise bike. I do 30 seconds going flat out followed by 1 minute at a medium pace, repeat for as long as your workout lasts.

    I do this on a pretty high resistance level.

    You also need to mix it up with some strength training too. Sometimes I do a 10 min ab or arm workout after a 20/30 min bike ride or sometimes I lift weights while on the bike.
  • EmsyLou77
    EmsyLou77 Posts: 47 Member
    Oh and p.s. you can watch tv while you do it which is obviously a bonus BUT you need to make sure that doesn't lull you into going too slowly and not putting the effort in!!
  • tristajanelle
    Thank you for all the great suggestions!