New member - Jacksonville, FL

Hi, I recently joined a weight loss study trial program through my healthcare provider and the dietician recommended this site to use for recipes, calorie and exercise tracking, etc.... Looking for new friends through out MFP and anyone from the Jacksonville, FL area who is going through weight loss struggles. Glad to be a part of this group and looking forward to losing weight!!! Rhonda


  • Hi Rhonda, I'm from Kissimmee (so we're not EXACTLY neighbors) and I just joined yesterday. Seems like a great group for support from I have seen so far!
  • rhondak92
    rhondak92 Posts: 2
    Hi Michelle. Great to meet you. Yes, from what I see, this does seem like a great group for support. Best wishes on meeting your weight loss goal!
  • giaciccone
    giaciccone Posts: 257
    Jacksonville here & joined only a week or so ago!
    Glad to see other Jville-ians are here too!