What's a girl to do at a BBQ?! Need tips!

I have gotten my eating out under control, my portion control, choosing healthy at restaurants, cooking healthy, nailed the working out routine......BUT...

I am horrible at a picnic. Or a party. BBQ. Work lunch. I can not wrap my head around this. I am super cheapy frugal. So when I see FREE food...I go into panic mode and act like Cookie Monster at a cookie buffet. You would think I had never eaten, or will never have the chance to eat again. And then I feel sick after, from overeating.

What are your strategies? Mantras? Self-talk? Would love some feedback!



  • kklindsey
    kklindsey Posts: 382 Member
    I have gotten my eating out under control, my portion control, choosing healthy at restaurants, cooking healthy, nailed the working out routine......BUT...

    I am horrible at a picnic. Or a party. BBQ. Work lunch. I can not wrap my head around this. I am super cheapy frugal. So when I see FREE food...I go into panic mode and act like Cookie Monster at a cookie buffet. You would think I had never eaten, or will never have the chance to eat again. And then I feel sick after, from overeating.

    What are your strategies? Mantras? Self-talk? Would love some feedback!


    first off, lol at the cookie monster. Parties are hard for most of us. Everyone is eating, and eating more than once and it is easy to eat without even thinking about it. Go for lean cuts of meat, grilled, no bun. Do veggies not chips and fill your plate one time, then done except for the veggies. desserts I always use this plan. Go to the dessert table with the smallest plate they have. Look it all over, pick what you want and take one bit of each dessert and put it on your plate. then sit down and enjoy and do not repeat. a bottle of water or diet soda(lol) and the veggies will keep your hands and mouth busy the rest of the time so you won't feel left out on the eating that is going on, just on all the calories being absorbed.
  • Texas501
    Texas501 Posts: 274
    Family BBQs are my kryptonite too. I love to eat everything they have to offer! I thank God these do not happen often. I just go ahead and enjoy. I document in my diary what I ate and I read that I went over 2 to 3k over my goal. Oh well. I just move right along and behave until the next one....
  • shannonkk
    shannonkk Posts: 192 Member
    I have even taken my own veggie burger and asked the chef to put in the bbq for me and If I don't think there will be anything healthy there, then I bring a healthy dish, like fruit and veggies or diet soda.
  • angela828
    angela828 Posts: 498 Member
    I'll be at a BBQ this weekend! I say, stick to lots of fruits and veggies and eat small portions of the things you do like. Unfortunately, BBQs are centered around food and eating, I just try to be good and still enjoy myself and the foods I do like, just in smaller amounts. And I only stick to water. If you can get in a workout that day, try for it or if they have a pool.. go swimming! Bring gum so you are not constantly eating. If they have the regular sized plates and the smaller plates, use the smaller plates so you have smaller portions and try not to sit by the food when you are just sitting and relaxing and chatting w everyone.

    good luck :)
  • kfitz10103
    kfitz10103 Posts: 354
    The key is to eat before you go. I do this then I am not as hungry at the picnic. I usually eat a meal bar in the car on the way there. You can also put everything you eat on your plate. If I just munch out of a bowl of chips I really don't know how much I eat. I just fill my plate once then sit down and eat then I have an accurate amount of food I ate. Otherwise I would totally underestimate calories. Also, You can save calories from the 6 days leading up then use them for the picnic.
  • brittaney10811
    brittaney10811 Posts: 588 Member
    Honestly, eat a good, healthy meal before you even get to the party. This way your stomach will be satisfied and you won't be looking at the food like a starving mad cookie monster, lol. Leave yourself some calories so you can "TREAT" yourself to a couple of the items you enjoy so much. But at least this way you won't feel obligated to eat a ton because you've already had your meal.

    Also, take filler healthy foods. Veggie trays for example are wonderful, as well as fruit trays. Maybe even look up a great recipie that you love and is healthy, and take it as your contribution to the BBQ! This way you know exactly what you're eating and you can feel good about it!

    Have a great time! Don't over indulge, but don't beat yourself up over having A COOKIE or two ... just not the whole jar! :)
  • Nana_Anne
    Nana_Anne Posts: 179 Member
    First I have to say, I am busting up laffing! Cause I can sooo relate. Hard to type when your cracking up at yourself :) Last time I said...OK I will take some snacks down to my tea and honey! (I tend to over do things even my own special tea cup) I did great! But I felt misserable cause it was like going to a baseball game and my favorite team lost. So, the next one I said I know this will happen so I ate a light breakfast and had lots of calories for my overdo. I made good choices like no bun on hamburger and no cheese. I put a tomoto on top and it was great! I have been measuring and weighing enough I could eyeball the food and went with 1/2 cup macoronie salad 4 tablespoons dip ect...then I had brought my walking shoes and asked my grandsons if they wanted to go with me and of course they said yes! we walked for 40 minutes :) When I came home and put everything in yes I was a little over but not too bad....one problem......I forgot about sodium and I gained 2 pounds! So I cut back on sodium for two days and tried to drink more and BAM two pounds gone. It was all blooting. So, from just recent experience that's what I can tell you. Go have fun!