do you get mad when

your neighbors dog poops in your yard? i thought my neighbor was gonna have a heart attack last night when my cute lil pookie wookie dropped a bomb on his lawn.


  • JMCade
    JMCade Posts: 389 Member
    haha no don't even notice since our dogs do it in our yard anyways. I walk them around the block to the edge of town by the farmer's fields most of the time so they go there instead of in anyone else's yard tho.
  • SheliaN1960
    SheliaN1960 Posts: 454 Member
    Yes. And even more so if it is not bagged.
  • deesjourney2fit
    As long as the owner cleans it up, it happens. If the neighbor doesn't like it, they should fence their yard. lol
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    As long as it gets picked up I don't care. Unless it is diarrhea. You cannot pick that up.
  • LoveleeB
    LoveleeB Posts: 560 Member
    No because my yard is pretty much full of poo seeing as we have two dogs. lol Plus our yard is fenced in so technically they are pooping on their property. haha
  • suziblues2000
    suziblues2000 Posts: 515 Member
    This is a joke, right? Cause I would absolutely HATE it if a dog pooped on my grass. ew.
  • icerose137
    icerose137 Posts: 318 Member
    I despise it when people walk their dogs, let them take a dump on our front lawn, and walk off. GRR I want to pick it up and throw it at them. I do not have a dog, I should not deal with someone elses dog crap. It is rude and disgusting and I don't like digging it off mine or my kid's shoes. Yuck! If the dog happens to do their business and the owner picks it up and takes it with them, fine. But don't freakin leave it there.
  • Buddie616
    Buddie616 Posts: 167 Member
    I would rather the dog crap in my yard than take my family's expensive shoes off! Just happened a couple of weeks ago!
  • Still_Sossy
    Still_Sossy Posts: 868 Member
    Not sure if this is a joke or not... but I will respond, I have a great front yard... honestly.... I landscaped it my self and it took me 3 years to plan and place the plants, trees, and shrubs so something is always blooming in the right place symmetry wise. Plus I take crazy care of my grass. I had a neighbor doing this a lot so one day I grabbed a plastic bag.... walked out and handed it to him and said.... you are going to need this.... or you are going to need an ambulance....take your pick, oh, I also had pruning sheers in my hand. He cleaned it up and never returned to my lawn.
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    I would be very angry even though I have 2 dogs, I keep my dogs in my lawn, other people should keep their dogs in theirs!
  • GrampsWooha
    GrampsWooha Posts: 184
    its not a joke. i of course cleaned up the mess right away last night but still the neighbor seemed very upset which was confusing to me.
  • kimdawn1999
    It is the owner's responsibility to clean up after their dog. So, I don't mind if it happens, just make sure to clean it up!
  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    My apartment complex has this issue... and it's bad... so bad that I refuse to walk through the grass... EVER! It's tough to enforce, though. They have to see the owner and dog in the act to actually say or do something about it. The most recent one left it ON THE EFFING SIDEWALK!!! COME ON!!! It's still there, too.... has been all week! Sorry, but I don't have a dog... and I'm certainly not cleaning up after one!
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    I would rather poop than pee, dog pee kills grass. We have yellow dead spots all over our grass but it's a townhouse and we don't own it so I don't really care. But you definitely have to pick it up unless you want it in a flaming bag on your doorstep a couple hours later.
  • Fesse
    Fesse Posts: 611
    Not sure if this is a joke or not... but I will respond, I have a great front yard... honestly.... I landscaped it my self and it took me 3 years to plan and place the plants, trees, and shrubs so something is always blooming in the right place symmetry wise. Plus I take crazy care of my grass. I had a neighbor doing this a lot so one day I grabbed a plastic bag.... walked out and handed it to him and said.... you are going to need this.... or you are going to need an ambulance....take your pick, oh, I also had pruning sheers in my hand. He cleaned it up and never returned to my lawn.
    WTG Sossy!!!!!

    Moral of this story....... Pick up your **** !!
  • shanolap
    shanolap Posts: 1,204 Member
    Yes, that pisses me off. BUT not as bad a a neighbors male cat spraying all over my yard! I'm gonna shoot that *kitten* in the butt with my pellet gun! And I love cats!!!!
  • springtrio
    springtrio Posts: 429 Member
    I pray this is a joke. Cause if you let your pooch poop anywhere and think it's not a big deal, it is. Clean up after yourself. In the neighboring town next to mine they have signs all over saying if a police officer catches you, you're fined. It's a very dog friendly town full of responsibile owners but a few bad dog owners ruined it for the rest. I trained my dipstick of a dog he is not allowed to crap wherever he pleases, he has his own backyard for that reason.
  • jennyb31
    jennyb31 Posts: 166 Member
    My grandpa's neighbors dog craps in his yard all the time. He dosen't make a big deal about it, he just goes out with a shovel and throws it back in the dog owners yard!

    Oh and no I wouldn't get mad cause we have a dog and I couldnt tell anyways!
  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    Crap may happen but dog owners need to be more responsible.
    Used to live in a pretty nice trailer community. People would take their dogs for walks
    and just let them crap anywhere & wouldn't clean up after them.
    We don't have dogs, but had cats, and there was enough crap to clean up in the litter box.
  • saldridge
    saldridge Posts: 125 Member
    Wow, some opinions floor me.
    So if I don't want a dog to defecate into my yard, then I am supposed to spend hundreds of dollars on a fence? So YOUR dog doesn't take a *kitten* in MY yard?

    I walk barefoot through my yard and then I walk into my house and I certainly would be stark raving mad if I accidentally carried dog crap into my house. If my neighbor didn't control their dog or train their dog properly and I have to deal with dog crap, they would have the cops out after the second or third time. It's my property, I pay for it and you and your dog have to respect that.