Drunken munchies...WHAT DO YOU DO?!



  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    Ugh! We alllll do it.

    I feel like I've been trained from MFP. I work out before I go out. I eat healthy, sustainable food right before going out (lean proteins and veggies) and make sure I'm hydrated. I'm kind of light weight these days so I'm happy to be over the "drink till you pass out" stage in life.

    If you're stuck out with friends at a restaurant eat and search the menu (even drunk) for the best options. Try to get lots of veggies to fill you up, get whole grains, avoid cheese, grilled or baked, STILL only eat half (have the other half boxed up) but allow yourself fries if you want them! It's about BALANCE.

    DRINK WATER, DRINK WATER, DRINK WATER even if you're not thirsty!
  • AngelsKisses75
    AngelsKisses75 Posts: 595 Member
    Oh yeah drunken munchies are EVIL! ... but oh so satisfing!! :devil:

    I love a big burger and fries or nachos. I am awful I know. Thankfully I don't drink much any more. :drinker:
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    If you want my HONEST answer then I eat it too! :blushing:
    I don't drink but I do have to contend with the munchies..if you get me! I just make sure it's once a week and I try to be really good the next day. Treats are mandatory to me so I try not to sweat it.

    Subway isn't that bad I don't think - I got a 6" sub the other day for under 500 calories. Loooove me some Subway!!

    I have to wait until the absolute end of the day, excercise is done, supper...everything...then by the time I "indulge", shower and head to bed, I'm not even thinking about munchies
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I'm usually way too incoherent to make a "healthy choice" by that point so I just all out order half the menu, eat it all, and promptly drink water in the morning. Hell, I don't even get GUILT after that ..... because i can never remember in the morning :))
  • MFPfriend
    MFPfriend Posts: 1,121 Member
    Water... it's legit the best solution. Drink tons and tons and tons and tons and tons of water. It's going to help you feel full... and then munchies won't be sounding very good when you've got a tummy full of liquids.
    Other than the water trick, I do just tend to eat whatever... Or only bring enough money with you to pay for your drinks for the night. Try splitting something with a friend- drunken, poor college students are always willing to split a meal and save money!
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    dont eat while drinking; after 5 drinks you have no metabolism left... eat a good meal before you drink. Drink water if you get the munchies---ur body needs a mass amount of water while drinking and after drinking anyway...
  • Kolohe71
    Kolohe71 Posts: 613 Member
    If it's 2 am and I'm so drunk that I am actually IN a McDonalds, Taco Bell etc. It really won't matter what I eat, cause I'm just gonna puke it up later anyway. :drinker: :sick:
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    Honestly, when I am drunk I don't care about the cals and I go get McD's every time! I usually regret it in the morning but I make sure to get back to my clean eating the next day and drinking tons of water to flush out all the sodium. I usually drink a lot of water while I'm out drinking alcohol as well. I'm sure that helps a bit. Bottom line, when you're drunk you're usually not thinking straight anyway. That's why I've made it s habit not to drink as much anymore. LOL
  • _Peacebone_
    _Peacebone_ Posts: 229 Member
    I make sure I get a good workout in the day of, and I drink plenty of water--I still end up eating something junky usually, but at least it's after a night of dancing and walking all over downtown :) Live it up!
  • girliegirl1822
    girliegirl1822 Posts: 164 Member
    I try to order healthy but never works out for me that way and this weekend will be one of those weekends I'm going out with my girl friends tonight then the yankee-mets game sat and then the 4th this weekend will be full of bad eating and drinking lol.
  • mkcalvert
    mkcalvert Posts: 219 Member
    IHOP or Denny's for sure! What's better than breakfast when you're wasted?!

    I'm right there with ya or Waffle House! Big ole heaping pile of loaded with everything hash browns, my mouth waters just considering it!! Just go home with your SO and work it off :wink:
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    IHOP or Denny's for sure! What's better than breakfast when you're wasted?!

    I'm right there with ya or Waffle House! Big ole heaping pile of loaded with everything hash browns, my mouth waters just considering it!! Just go home with your SO and work it off :wink:

    Best answer by far. ;)
  • jmgj27
    jmgj27 Posts: 531 Member
    Hmmm...honestly, I don't tend to get the drunken munchies (which is a shame because it contributes to the mother of all hangovers which I ALWAYS get the next day - you'd think I'd have learnt by now!). For me, it's the hangover munchies that suck. Sometimes I manage to deal and sometimes I can't help it and pizza is the only way!
  • Mairgheal
    Mairgheal Posts: 385 Member
    If you want my HONEST answer then I eat it too! :blushing:
    I don't drink but I do have to contend with the munchies..if you get me! I just make sure it's once a week and I try to be really good the next day. Treats are mandatory to me so I try not to sweat it.

    Same here, you might as well enjoy yourself (and try to make up for it with extra ecercise the next day if your heads allows it)
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    "honestly" while drunk, hungry, and having been brought to a fast food joint by my drunk friends? I get the monster taco, baby!!! WITH cheese!!!!!
  • RobinV_Seattle
    RobinV_Seattle Posts: 191 Member
    If it were me, and it often is, I just consider it a cheat day and start over the next day - I give myself one day a week. Once I have a couple of beers, then I will probably blow through my calories for the day anyway - at least breakfast or a burger will have some nutritional value (in theory.) I just have to work a little harder the next week to make up for it!
  • runawaydoll19
    runawaydoll19 Posts: 48 Member
    I don't get the munchies from alcohol.. but I do get the munchies for something else. :wink: I usually give in and eat something, but I try to make sure it's at least healthy.