

  • minyME
    minyME Posts: 10
    Thanx for ALL the replies. Very Helpful! I get it now :bigsmile: @cmiles23 Thanx for the link
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    If you understand the math behind the formula, you really should eat back your calories. This is even more important the closer you get to your goal. The more weight you have to lose, the higher the deficit can be but should never really exceed 500 calories. Those of you who don't eat your calories back are more likely to lose muscle instead of fat. Over time, this is really bad as it lowers your BMR which is the calories you burn while at rest. On top of that, you risk not gettin enough nutrients for your body to properly function. If you look at all the people who are really fit (not just skinny) but have a low body fat, you will notice they all eat a lot. Depending on the workout I do, I eat 2600-3000 calories to lose weight; 3200-3500 calories to maintain. The two times I have plateaued in weight lose, I have increase my caloric intake by 200 calories and the weight loss imediately started again. I also don't really look at weight, I look at body composition. I could care less what I weight but my goal is 8% body fat, and a stretch goal of 6%. Below is what I have been saying a lot so I just quote myself.

    My approach looks at Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR); BMR is the amount of calories you would burn if you slept 24 hours, for me, my BMR is 2000 calories. I then mutliply it by my Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE); how many calories I should eat to make up for daily activities (walking, working out, etc) to get a total number of calories. Because I do a program like p90x, I multiply my 2000 calories by 1.725 which equals 3400 calories. This amount of calories is the amount I need to eat to maintain weight. I back off 500 caloires as my deficit and eat 3000 calories in a day. This is the website I use.

    I set up custom ratio's. I do 45% of carbs, 35% of protein and 20% for fats. As I progress, I will lower protein and increase carbs. This method has worked for me and others I have worked with on the site. MFP just makes it simple for anyone to come on and lose weight. I take more of a scientific approach to weight loss. When I started I was 210 & 18% body fat. Now I am 189 and 12% body fat and hoping to break single digits within 3 months.

    Cliff notes: if you go by the sites calculations, you absolutely should eat back your workout calories as they preload the deficit. If you go by the more scientific method, you don't have to worry about it, it's already figured in your number.

    Good luck everyone.
  • HotSouthernMess
    HotSouthernMess Posts: 474 Member
    @Hotsouthernmess I like the picture on your counter :) Congrats on the 50lbs lost! Where can I find one like it?

    im not sure if this was meant for me or not but i have only lost 40 pounds lol anyway, i googled it but there are sites where you can go to make your own. i can send you some links if you want.
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