Effects of eating worse food

h3h8m3 Posts: 455 Member
So, I've been eating pretty clean, and enjoying lots of healthier foods for the last three months. Previous to that I was a disaster.

At the same time I started eating better I also started working out. Well, I had to travel for a couple of weeks, and the quality of my food went way down. I was still staying under my calorie goal, but I was eating a ton of food at restaurants, and it's pretty tough to eat clean when someone you've never met is cooking.

During the second week of travel I noticed that my workouts were getting really difficult. Like... miserably difficult. I was doing the same basic workouts, but was tired right away, and had to force myself through them. I got home and two days later workouts were back to normal. It dawned on me about that time that it might be the food I had been eating.

Anyone else have that kind of experience? Like I said, I didn't go crazy picking out bad foods, and I kept my calories to the normal levels, but I had a ton of sodium, and probably more "fluff" calories than I'd have at home.



  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Yes. In Crossfit they recommend Paleo eating, all unprocessed fruits, veggies, nuts, meats, etc., and it is because you can achieve better performance by eating that way. Although I don't follow Paleo to a T, I try to incorporate as much as possible and I can assure you my workouts are SO much better (my times decreased, my weights increased) when I adhere to that method of eating.
  • aj_rock
    aj_rock Posts: 390 Member
    See if you can measure your calorie composition; chances are the problem lies with how much fat vs carbs you are eating, not necessarily the processing level of your food.

    My guess is that you're eating a lot more of your calories from carbs, which, if you're insulin resistant, can cause major sluggishness and apathy. I say more carbs because 'fluff' calories are usually sweets, chips, chocolate; all high carb sources.

    Anyway, see if thats the problem, and if so, just aim to consume more fat/protein :)
  • icerose137
    icerose137 Posts: 318 Member
    Yes, food matters. I get so sick of hearing a calorie is a calorie is a calorie. No it's not! You're not going to get the same fuel out of 500 calories of ice cream as you are out of well balanced healthy meal, and your body doesn't process it the same either.