Driving Myself Crazy

What do you guys think with using your actual body fat percentage, obtained with the formula linked here (http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/jmdoane/view/driving-myself-crazy-119988) in order to set one's goal weight?

Since using it earlier I feel 100% more confident about my new more individualized weight loss goal. I've been driving myself crazy in figuring out what goals are realistic and maintainable for MY body. The listings I've read online for women at a height of 4 feet 11 inches gave me anywhere from 95 lbs to 125 lbs. I kept going in my head from a goal of 100 lbs to 110 lbs. So it's funny I ended up at 107 when I used this formula which is almost in the middle.

I'm very much a whole-to-part person. Without the big picture (the exact ending goal) it's hard for me to take the steps to get to an end I can totally visualize. So It's been really helpful to get an account of my exact body mass of 87.5 lbs (because we all come in different shapes and sizes) and then go up from there.