Only have 15 weeks to pull this off!!!! HELP!



  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    im on a 10 week biggest lose compeition; just started on tuesday; i work out 3 times a day now; morning, afternoon/early evening, and before bed.. i do everything in my bedroom, no gym, and use 3lb weights and resistance bands with rap/dance music.. i dance with 3 lb weights and punch the air in all directions, and work my arms and shoulders, and the bands i pull to the beat of the music as well.. i incorporate jogging in place for cardio, and also do sit up's, tow touches, twisting my body, etc, and log it as circuit training.

    Ive lost my current 42 pounds by dieting and eating better in 16 weeks (with having a total of 7 of those weeks in complete plataeu with no losing anything). Ive eaten back my excercise calories and stuck to my calories pretty firmly.

    My goal for the end of the competition is to loose 22lbs; but that should be pretty standard for me and now that im excercising, i will probably loose at a faster pace.

    drink half your body weight in ounces of water a day--this will not only help with weight loss, but with skin elasticity (helping you lose excess skin).

    stick to clean/unprocessed foods as much as possible which will help your weight loss as well as sodium/vitamin levels.

    That's an awesome idea! I love dancing! And hip-hop/rap sure does have a fast pace beat to work out to. I use to do that Hip Hop Cardio dvd, but for some reason I stopped. Maybe I should start doing that again! I loved it! And about the water I haven't really drank much water since I started, but yesterday I bought a 64oz water bottle to help me make sure I'm drinking it all and know when I do drink how much it is!
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    i am in about the same boat you are , I am tryng to look half way decent in my bikini (its hot pink) for my cruise (see ticker)

    and I am counting on Shawn T (Insanity) to get me there, and i think he will or he will kill me , not sure yet
  • Noonoo757
    Noonoo757 Posts: 280 Member
    If you want to wear a bikini in 15 weeks then you def can i say go for it!!! Start working out so you feel your best in that bikini no matter what anyone else may think or say thats whats most important, you see we may not look like trophy wives but when we feel better about ourselves we tend to carry ourselves with a certain confidence that tells the world "guess what baby i am a trophy wife and im feeling darn good in this bikini!!!!!!

    I hope you do start to workout and stay in there, Jamaica what an awesome motivator take me with you im just going to orlando lol
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    If you want to wear a bikini in 15 weeks then you def can i say go for it!!! Start working out so you feel your best in that bikini no matter what anyone else may think or say thats whats most important, you see we may not look like trophy wives but when we feel better about ourselves we tend to carry ourselves with a certain confidence that tells the world "guess what baby i am a trophy wife and im feeling darn good in this bikini!!!!!!

    I hope you do start to workout and stay in there, Jamaica what an awesome motivator take me with you im just going to orlando lol

    I just don't want to be one of those people that "Anyone can wear a bikini, but that doesn't mean they should" If I don't look good enough for it, I'd rather wear a one piece that covers me =/... Either way, I really want to lose as much as I can, regardless of what I wear there. =)

    My husband has been SOOOOO supportive. He doesn't care what I look like. He thinks I'm beautiful anyway! He's been supporting me like crazy with food I eat & working out etc. But I need to do this for me! I want to feel better about myself. Years and years ago I use to be a size 10 and felt GREAT about myself. Not anymore. and I want that back! =)
  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    You can do this! And that bikini is totally adorable!
  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    1st major props for getting in a bikini and having your picture will see a huge difference as time goes by and you do the picture retakes.

    2nd You go girl for losing so much already. You have a goal and seem very focused. You can do it. just find something you like so you know it is something you will continue up to the goal and then after too. If you have to do it you might as well like it so it is more doable.

    3rd allow yourself mini goals/treats along the way to make it more a manicure or a pedicure or something so that the distant goal doesn't seem too far away.

    cut carbs that aren't related to fruits and veggies and you are on your way.
  • asilmegan34
    asilmegan34 Posts: 256 Member
    First off, you are awesome. Not many people in this world have the confidence to post a picture of themselves in a bikini, no matter the size. Keep that metabolism going by eating 5 mini meals a day so your body knows that food is coming in and that it can burn what you have taken in for energy. I am training for a 10K now by running in the morning and at night after my husband and I eat dinner, we do some sort of physical exericse. We will play tennis, go biking, walk the dog, etc...

    I highly recommend the weight training aspect. You can do this with weights or your own body weight. You might not lose a ton of pounds but you will be more sculpt. I got married last month and though I only lose 8 pounds (got married in a months notice), I was lifting and looked better!!

    Drink water, eat healthy, keep the sodium down, exercise, give yourself a treat every now and then so you dont burn out and you will rock!
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    You can do this! And that bikini is totally adorable!

    You're about the size I'll be in 15 weeks... Would you wear one?
  • kadins_momma07
    kadins_momma07 Posts: 328 Member
    That's so good that your husband supports everything you do! You can do it!!! I used to be around size 10 also and I really want my old body back...well, as much as I can back. I've had a kid so the stretch marks are here for good, but I want to be fit and feel sexy and be healthy! Stick with it, good luck!!! :):)
  • myiceisonfire
    myiceisonfire Posts: 782 Member
    That's so good that your husband supports everything you do! You can do it!!! I used to be around size 10 also and I really want my old body back...well, as much as I can back. I've had a kid so the stretch marks are here for good, but I want to be fit and feel sexy and be healthy! Stick with it, good luck!!! :):)

    Boy do I understand the baby situation. Now that I had my son a yr ago, I have stretch marks and my belly's lower. As long as I look good with clothes on in size 10 I'll be totally happy! =D We can do this!
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