My Intro to Fitness Pal

tiatia32 Posts: 4
edited September 29 in Introduce Yourself

My name is Tia. I found this app on my phone and surprisingly it was free! I am amazed by the overwhelming convenience of it all and the community that comes with it. I am here b/c I am trying to lose weight most importantly I am trying to live a healthier lifestyle as a whole. I'm SO OVER DIETS and BORING WORKOUTS!!!!! OVER IT! So I decided to start doing stuff that's fun like pool work outs and dance classes etc. I also decided to pay more attention to my calorie intake as well. I hear your not suppose to count but it helps to know what going in to your body. Food is truly the fuel for your body and I am tired of wanting to look good but eating any kind of way! So I'm here for change. And Change is what I want to get. Its what I WILL GET! I am a positive person and I love giving off great energy so PLEASE if you are positive too please request me because I would love to help you get through this as well as myself. I am looking to make lifestyle changes so if you are too LET'S GET IT!!!!! AAAYYYEEEE!!!!


  • Hello

    My name is Monica. A friend of mine recommended that I check out this site.. I love that there is a free app on my phone. I want to lose the extra weight daily and live a new lifestyle.. One with me being skinny again. I'm an emotional eater.. I have changed my portion size, take daily vitamins, drink water and have a consistant 10 pm bedtime(well usually lol). So far I haven't lost any weight but I have lost inches because my same clothes fit me differently. I gain most of my weight in my belly, I have an apple shape. I look forward to this new chapter in my life.
  • lindat26
    lindat26 Posts: 10 Member
    good luck, stay positive, i've only been here for 2 days and it seems to be a very welcoming place - i did the biggest loser online club for the introductory 3 month period - it was ok, had the food journal and a community group but it seemed to me that you needed to know members to be part of the 'group' - this seems much friendlier and FREE! :flowerforyou:
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