slowly starting to see results

so ive lost 30lbs so far, and ive been on this journey since march of this year. and im slowly starting to see results, put on a bathing suit for the first time today since starting this journey and the bottoms are getting big on me, before it was small and skin tight on me, im super excited and so proud of myself, i cant wait to hit my final goal weight, either way im proud of who i am, my body doesnt make me who i am, but im doing this journey for me, no one else. but im super proud of myself and when i hit my goal weight i will never get back to where i used to be, cause this is hard work and i dont want to go through it again, im doing this for myself, but im also doing it for my future children. cause at this point i dont think i can have kids, so maybe if i lose weight i might be able to get pregnant and if not then im not meant to have kids, and also this will bring a whole new slew of guys for me lol, cause right now im getting all the good for nothing players who play with your emotions and use me for money and other things and im over that and over getting my heart broken! :)


  • alohabrie
    alohabrie Posts: 204
    Good for you! Keep going and also keep your standards high - no matter how much you need to lose. You are awesome.
  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    30 pounds in 3 months is HUGE progress. You should be very proud of yourself!
  • melanienj
    melanienj Posts: 31
    You are better than any man that will treat you badly and you are proving it to yourself right now...Look at your accomplishment!! Losing weight is not easy and it tajkes a special kind of person to dig in and do it! I am so happy for you and you should be proud of yourself and know that you are enough and that you deserve nothing but the best...once you feel that deep inside you will attact nothing but the best into your life!!!

  • inn0c3ntbbygrlx3
    thanks guys i really appreciate the support, and if any of you need support or anything feel free to add me, im always up for having new friends and meeting new people :)
  • Ocguevarra
    Great job!! Keep it up!!
  • GoneWithTheWhinge
    GoneWithTheWhinge Posts: 168 Member
    That's fantastic - you go girl!!