Weight Loss trouble with PCOS

Dani14elle Posts: 11
edited September 29 in Health and Weight Loss
Im getting tested for PCOS and am pretty sure I have it. I already have hypothyroidism so with both it is really a task to lose the last 10-15 pounds. I am a college softball player and i am in good shape but seem to only carry any fat, which is 10-15 pounds right in the area bellow my belly button. The rest of me is in really good shape. I watch what I eat and exercise regularly and weight train. I will lose a pound here and there but will gain it back the next week or so. Need some advice of what changes I should make, or some recipes or foods to eat that might help me to lose the extra weight so I can become a better athlete!
Thanks Danielle


  • Katone86
    Katone86 Posts: 15
    I feel your pain...I suffer from PCOS and it is not very fun. One thing that has helped me is going vegan and cutting out processed foods,fast foods all together. Ive been doing allot of research lately and a large consensus is that going raw vegan will help tremendously.But if you arent ready to give up meat just yet check out this video.
    and this one that explains why being raw vegan helps
  • Dani14elle
    Dani14elle Posts: 11
    ok Thanks for your help! We usually do eat me but more so like chicken and fish. But I can totally understand why vegan is so helpful because of the way food is processed now and chemicals and all that crap. I think I will have to limit my meat intake for now and work my way there! thanks
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