how do i......

trinluv Posts: 12
edited September 19 in Introduce Yourself
How do I loose weight? I have such motivation in mind but can't seem to get my body at the same level =0)

Any suggestions would be helpful, Being overweight is such a HUGE depression for me! I was a small 8's now I am a 18 almost 20! I HATE IT WITH A PASSION! I loved being skinny who doesn't but working behind a computer day in & out for the past 6 years has done terrible to my body! what do people do when working in an office? my BIGGEST downfall is I love food! who don't right? I don't like junk food though (no chips cookies etc...) oh & i don't eat veggies or fruit (very few i like) I am a meat lover! I can't stand water either YUCK this is why it is SOOOOO hard for me! I am also a soda (coke) drinker which today is my first day of not having any of course trying to give that up! what motivates you? I thought about hanging up pictures of abs, legs girls in bikini's in my house but does that really work? what can I do to motivate myself?


  • trinluv
    trinluv Posts: 12
    How do I loose weight? I have such motivation in mind but can't seem to get my body at the same level =0)

    Any suggestions would be helpful, Being overweight is such a HUGE depression for me! I was a small 8's now I am a 18 almost 20! I HATE IT WITH A PASSION! I loved being skinny who doesn't but working behind a computer day in & out for the past 6 years has done terrible to my body! what do people do when working in an office? my BIGGEST downfall is I love food! who don't right? I don't like junk food though (no chips cookies etc...) oh & i don't eat veggies or fruit (very few i like) I am a meat lover! I can't stand water either YUCK this is why it is SOOOOO hard for me! I am also a soda (coke) drinker which today is my first day of not having any of course trying to give that up! what motivates you? I thought about hanging up pictures of abs, legs girls in bikini's in my house but does that really work? what can I do to motivate myself?
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    I used to only drink sodas. When I found this website I quit that all together. Now I love to drink water. Although my water has to be cold. I cant drink it unless its cold. I now enjoy going to the gym. It makes me feel so much better now. I started at almost 300 pounds and I am down to 276. I have been on here for almost 2 months. Invest in a HRM. I love mine. And when I go to the gym I love to see how many calories I burn. That makes me want to keep going.

  • Anna_Banana
    Anna_Banana Posts: 2,939 Member
    I would try to log your calories and see how much you are eating. Even if you don't eat junk, if you eat more than your body needs you will gain weight. The I would start maybe walking over your lunch or in the mornings or evenings. then if you can't totally give up soda, switch to diet.

    Welcome to MFP

    Good luck
  • nopeekiepeekie
    nopeekiepeekie Posts: 338 Member
    if actually found hanging up pictures of my overweight self all over the house helps more than looking at pictures of people that are already skinny. (i was up to a 20lb loss until my daughter was diagnosed with leukemia in april, then i just lost my will)

    what types of meat do you eat? if it's mostly red meats, you could try switching to white meats & fish. as for veggies & fruits, did you find that you've recently not liked any or did this start as a child? your tastes change as you age, so if it happened when you were a child, you may want to try it again. you can always take my doctors philosophy when trying to suggest veggies for my son (he's 8 and afraid to eat anything but pizza, mac & cheese and mcdonalds i swear) to eat. try it at least 5 times, if after that you don't like it, don't eat it for awhile. try it again later on to see if your tastes have changed.

    honestly if you're wanting to quit drinking the coke all together, i wouldn't do it cold turkey, you're bound to get terrible headaches and just go back to drinking it. try to reduce by increments until you don't drink it anymore. as for water, they do have crystal light flavor packets you could use if you don't want to just drink plain water and aren't afraid to drink a product sweetened with aspartame. there are conflicting studies on this sweetener, so it's hard to say who's right. (reminds me of eggs are good, then they're not, then they are). it's not the best solution to straight water, but it may be a step in the right direction for you.

    if you work out with weights you'll want to invest in a cloth tape measure and use that as a gauge as you'll be finding your clothes fitting differently and not such a shift in the scale because of the muscle weighing more than fat. i don't go so much by the scale, but more how easily my wedding bands come off and go on to my finger and how my jeans are fitting around my "baby belly"
  • What works for me is pictures. I went out with a friend this summer to some lighthouses, and we had a great time. Then I saw the pictures..... and I cried. I hadn't REALLY seen myself in so long, that it made me want to die when I saw what I looked like. I keep those pictures around me as a way to remind myself.
    I wasn't a water drinker either, but this is how I do it - I try to drink the whole 8 glasses while I am at work. I work in an office too, and it's really hard to not snack. I brought in an 8 ounce mug, and I keep filling it up, and drinking it all day. Everytime I think about eating, I take a drink. My goal is to drink all the water before I go home, and that way I can have something else with dinner (iced-tea, maybe some joice, etc).
    As far as eating goes, try the same thing. Put the fruit on your desk - an apple and a pear for example - and tell yourself that you HAVE to eat it before you leave work. I also do this - I buy a box of cereal, and when i get home I divide it up into serving sizes and store it in plastic baggies. That way, if I run out of time in the morning, I can just grab a baggie quick, and eat it on the way. I do that same trick with all my snacks, and it is VERY helpful.
    Try to have a meat-free night once a week. Find some good vegetarian recipes, something with beans maybe, and a really good salad. Try adding some nuts, seeds, or some mandarin oranges to a salad, and it becomes much easier to eat.
    And when I eat out, I I have them bring me the take-home box when they bring the food. I put at least HALF of the meal into the box, and I place it on an empty chair on the other side of the table, so i can't see it and I can't get to it.
    I've only started focusing on my weight last month, but the changes I just listed have really been making a difference. Not only am I losing weight, but I am losing INCHES! This week, I am only down 1 pound, but I lost about 6 inches!

    Wow...... So, I guess I will stop "talking" now! Hope this helps!
  • trinluv
    trinluv Posts: 12
    I THANK YOU VERY MUCH to whom responded! I do eat lots of red meat! but lots of shrimp & sword fish too.

    as for beans & etc.... I can't eat beans nor anything with seeds do to an operation i had on my colon. I can't have pretty much anything that has lots of acid either like oj or oranges (yes an acid reflux problem)

    goingtolooseit - thanks a bunch about the office tips! maybe I can drink the water if it's ICE COLD!

    Clarrisa - i never like fruits or veggies much as a child to an adult & I have tried them more than 1x. i do wish i did like it especially the fruits. But i thank you very much! I am sorry to hear about your daughter & i wish you both well!

    Anna Bannana - Def will try that! this site is great to count them for you! I can't wait to get started!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Well for starters Try Coke Zero instead of regular coke. I too am a meat lover but I am eating veggies and fruits like a mad woman now. I actually crave them.

    Start slow - find some veggies that you will eat - there has to be something and add it in little at a time. Egg beaters instead of eggs.

    You could try the low carb thing but be sure you take vitamins if you're not eating veggies. You might consider something that's a vegetable serving replacement like Barleans Greens to get some in you. Can't rememeber how it tasted but my son as a toddler would vomit everytime I fed him veggies and he'd take it when added to other stuff.
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