After 10 Food-Filled Days...

Wow-Talk about stuffing yourself. That's what I've done for 10 days straight, and to top it off-NO GYM! At all. I don't know what happened...I had a melt down. That's for sure. And when I talk about stuffing myself, I mean HUGE binges that left me feeling so bloated/depressed, but then I would go on another binge 1-2 hours later! For 10 days, this is what I've been doing-And I've been depressed and upset and mad...So I'm back after some serious eating and no exercising! I don't know the damage that was caused on my 10-Day Melt Down...I guess I'll find out this afternoon because I'm having my fitness assessment done at the gym. Which includes a weigh in and measurements...Eek!

I had a very upsetting wake-up call yesterday...I can't even talk about it right now because it hurt my feelings so bad. But at least it got me motivated!!

I'm doing a 30 (actually 32, because I'm going until Nov. 13) day challenge that's going to be very strict and probably very exhausting...But I need to jump start some weight loss and get myself back on track. I've made up a menu for the month, and I'm going to eat the same thing EVERY day. And all of the food is pretty generic, so even if I do go out to eat, the chances of me being able to find and eat the same thing in a restaurant are very high. During the week I'm going to keep a list of all of the foods I crave/want and on Saturday I'll pull out the list and allow myself ONE treat from the list I kept that week. I've added up the calories and Sunday-Friday I'll be eating 1450 calories every day, and probably 1500 calories every Saturday depending on what my "treat" is.

Along with my eating plan, I'm going to be working out 2-3 hours every day. I'm hitting the gym before and after work and doing a lot of cardio plus spinning/body pump classes. I'm hoping after this afternoon with the trainer I'll also know enough about the weight machines that I can add that to my routine as well.

So far, Day One has been a success! I'll check in every day (mostly for my own peace of mind) and let you all know how it's going. On a side note, I ordered a Polar F11 off of E-bay today, and got it for $35 cheaper than what the gym was trying to sell it for! I'm pretty excited about that! I can't wait for it to come in!!

I hope everyone is having a great Monday-Wish me luck with the trainer this afternoon :frown:
And wish me luck in my own personal challenge!!


  • NewMK08
    NewMK08 Posts: 399 Member
    Wow-Talk about stuffing yourself. That's what I've done for 10 days straight, and to top it off-NO GYM! At all. I don't know what happened...I had a melt down. That's for sure. And when I talk about stuffing myself, I mean HUGE binges that left me feeling so bloated/depressed, but then I would go on another binge 1-2 hours later! For 10 days, this is what I've been doing-And I've been depressed and upset and mad...So I'm back after some serious eating and no exercising! I don't know the damage that was caused on my 10-Day Melt Down...I guess I'll find out this afternoon because I'm having my fitness assessment done at the gym. Which includes a weigh in and measurements...Eek!

    I had a very upsetting wake-up call yesterday...I can't even talk about it right now because it hurt my feelings so bad. But at least it got me motivated!!

    I'm doing a 30 (actually 32, because I'm going until Nov. 13) day challenge that's going to be very strict and probably very exhausting...But I need to jump start some weight loss and get myself back on track. I've made up a menu for the month, and I'm going to eat the same thing EVERY day. And all of the food is pretty generic, so even if I do go out to eat, the chances of me being able to find and eat the same thing in a restaurant are very high. During the week I'm going to keep a list of all of the foods I crave/want and on Saturday I'll pull out the list and allow myself ONE treat from the list I kept that week. I've added up the calories and Sunday-Friday I'll be eating 1450 calories every day, and probably 1500 calories every Saturday depending on what my "treat" is.

    Along with my eating plan, I'm going to be working out 2-3 hours every day. I'm hitting the gym before and after work and doing a lot of cardio plus spinning/body pump classes. I'm hoping after this afternoon with the trainer I'll also know enough about the weight machines that I can add that to my routine as well.

    So far, Day One has been a success! I'll check in every day (mostly for my own peace of mind) and let you all know how it's going. On a side note, I ordered a Polar F11 off of E-bay today, and got it for $35 cheaper than what the gym was trying to sell it for! I'm pretty excited about that! I can't wait for it to come in!!

    I hope everyone is having a great Monday-Wish me luck with the trainer this afternoon :frown:
    And wish me luck in my own personal challenge!!
  • Anna_Banana
    Anna_Banana Posts: 2,939 Member
    Some times we just need a break to get remotivated. Good luck with your challenge.
  • Fab140
    Fab140 Posts: 1,976 Member

    Hey there! Welcome back from the dark side :wink:

    That plan seems very rigorous. Try to give yourself a bit of recoupe time to prevent future bings, okay sweetie? Remember, this is a life change and you have to take it day by day.

    Best of luck!
  • cassangelidy
    HI MK....

    My only concern with this is that you need to know the source of your bingeing. Its very important that you don't treat just the symptoms.....over-eating is just the final product of something deeper. I'm a former over-eater....still struggle with it sometimes....and I totally feel your pain.

    I'll be thinking and praying for you.
  • heartshapdworld
    heartshapdworld Posts: 323 Member
    Wow! Your cardio plan is quite ambitious. I applaud you for not letting a little set-back ruin all that hard work to achieve; however, maybe you should be careful that you do not get derailed because your plan is mentally/physically exhausting.

    I have been out of it for several weeks. I am gradually getting back on track. I thought about the strict appoach, but I don't think that will work for me. I think a too strict approach lead to the falling off the plan. It was almost as if I didn't want to deal with it anymore! I gained 2lbs back of the 7lbs I had lost, and I am okay with that.

    Good Luck! :flowerforyou: