Diet Pepsi...I'm debunking the opinions...



  • jessbennett1986
    I will say pop IS very bad for you. It's full of chemicals (especially the diet kind since they need fillers instead of sugar). BUT like most of you said, there are other bad things we tend to do to our bodies also. It's a pick and choose type of game. Some of us are addicted to pop, some other kinds of addictions. Me myself I have pizza almost 4-5 times a week! That I'm sure is terrible for you! Full of grease and fat and non nutritious stuff but I just love it so much it's hard to give up. I also have diet mountain dew about 3 times a week. I used to have it every day but it is hard to want water everday. I gave up drinking pop and coffee a few months ago and I lost 6 lbs. Water helped me stay full and also flushed all of the extra sodium out of my body that pop and other foods contributed to my body. But I was so tired all the time because I was used to being wired all day. So I decided that having a cup of coffee and some pop for a different taste is worth it to me than sleeping all day and having zero energy. And so far I haven't gained any of that weight that I lost before.