I weigh 10 lbs more than I did 2 days ago!?



  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    Get a new scale. Unless you ate an Ox, there is no way you gained 10 lbs in two days. Its not possible.
  • nurseaim
    nurseaim Posts: 146
    Is TOM coming to visit? Some people tend to retain more fluid than others when TOM is coming. Some women will gain 5-10lbs of water retention during pre-TOM days. Reducing your sodium intake and increasing your water intake will also help with this retention gain.
  • miss_ally08
    miss_ally08 Posts: 167 Member
    I've gained weight from too much sodium intake or TOM but that's about it.

    Honestly, if your scale isn't a digital one, it might be time to get a new scale. I had an old one that wasn't digital and those ones are real touchy and finicky. It wouldn't work well at all.

    If you do have a digital scale, it could either be the batteries or like people said, salt or TOM. It really depends how long you've had your scale for though. And to be honest, a lot of people are saying "DONT move the scale, ever", that's really to me, not true. Every morning, I move my scale a bit, cause its close to a wall in the bathroom, and I never have a problem. So, I really don't believe that messes anything up, but that's just me.

    Are you wearing the same type of clothing every time you weigh in? That also makes a difference too :) Good luck, let us know how things come out!
  • princess_in_power
    princess_in_power Posts: 234 Member
    . . . .. And to be honest, a lot of people are saying "DONT move the scale, ever", that's really to me, not true. Every morning, I move my scale a bit, cause its close to a wall in the bathroom, and I never have a problem. So, I really don't believe that messes anything up, but that's just me.

    I think they are talking about moving it to different locations ;) Or moving it around while weighing.

    To OP; I gained over 8lbs in one weekend due to high sodium intake (off regular schedule), drink water, eat healthy and it will move back =) Also if you've recently upped your water intake, that will show a temporary weight gain unti9l your body adjusts to it.

    I like to use the example of a preservative packet (those packets in like jerky and other food that say do not consume)
    Those things are salt and put in there to absorb moisture (water). So if we eat a ton of salt, think of what that's doing INSIDE our body, it's retaining all that water to absorb/dilute the sodium! Hence, weight gain!

    I wouldn't panic yet, definitely focus on healthy eating, clean water and exercise!! You'll be back down where you want to be!
  • teshaerwin
    teshaerwin Posts: 42
    it has to be water weight from salt and or sugar. OR it could just be the time of day you weighed in, you should always weigh yourself the same time of day! AND PS only get on the scale once a week or you will get discouraged. Good luck :)
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