Happy Friday! Whats on your agenda?

amarie35 Posts: 333 Member
Good morning & happy Friday! Today, I am taking the kids swimming, then later in the evening, my hubby & I are going on a shopping spree, after shopping, we will probably work out & run a few miles, & since tonight is movie night, we'll being staying up late w/ the kids watching movies....the kids will probably have popcorn, candy, & coke but I'm going to try my best to be good! :wink:

What's on your agenda for today?


  • Texas501
    Texas501 Posts: 274
    Fix my leaky toilet.... I hate plumbing problems....
  • jrueckert
    jrueckert Posts: 355 Member
    Finish work
    Go Tanning
    Shopping for 4th of July Foods and Fun Stuff
    NEED to fit a run and Turbo Jam in
    Movie in the Park
  • frostke
    frostke Posts: 21
    Work in the AM
    Long lunch break
    Back to work for a bit.
    Head to the gym
    Entertaining friends from out of town. (I hear they are bringing cheesecake brownies, so I'd better watch out!)

    I hope everyone has a fantastic day!
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Work all morning then BIKE SHOPPING! Hubby and I decided a new bike would be my "25 Lbs lost" present to myself :)
  • skittybang
    skittybang Posts: 1,525 Member
    Not a fun day - Research, meeting, work some more, meeting, post office, meeting.... then having some pre-holiday beers because dammit, I deserve it! haha!
  • KMcBandit
    KMcBandit Posts: 65
    Clean up my house, take kids to swimmin lessons, drive to boulder for lunch with hubby, drive home put kids down for a nap and start laundry and cram in 30 days shred, make dinner wait for hubby eat dinner watch a movie and sleep :D