Need Motivation and Help!

Hi, I've been exercising and eating healthy for about a month now. I have over 100 lbs left to lose and I know that feeling down is probably bad considering I'm still in the beginning of my weight loss journey. I try to work out as much as possible and I'm a massive stickler on my calorie intake. Problem is that I live on the 8th floor of an apartment building and have leg problems in my left leg and a couple weeks ago our elevator broke and keeps breaking about an hour (or 2 if we're lucky) after it gets fixed. My main exercise is biking and now I can't do it as much. Does anyone have ideas to help me not give up?


  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    Taking the stairs is awesome exercise!!!!! Make sure you are not strictly focusing on the scale and losing the weight. You need to be able to live the rest of your life being healthier. Make changes that don't just effect the short term but will work for the long term. Eat healthy, exercise, allow yourself a cheat now and again (to avoid a binge. I find that I want the junk less and less by allowing myself to have it once in a while) FInd people that will support you and your life style change and will help you along and maybe even join you!!!! People on this site are amazing, if you find the right ones!
    I think most of us get discouraged at some point or other. I went through a 2 month time of coming up with excuses because I wasn't feeling great. Finally I got tired of listening to myself and just got back on board and went for it! You can do this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Add me if you'd like!!!!!!!!
  • EmBlazes
    EmBlazes Posts: 374 Member
    Concentrate on being healthy and not necessarily losing weight (especially while your legs are giving you trouble) for a little while. It really helps. Don't give up you are doing so well!!!
  • jpeper1966
    jpeper1966 Posts: 79
    Yes the stairs would be a blessing in disguise if your knees could take it. Since you can't use them a lot, is there a way you could get a stationary bike. You would be surprized how many people have one collecting dust in their homes.
  • donsoccermom
    @aHealthierRhonda> great advice
    I too have been excersising my butt off since Feb, I go 4 or 5 times a week when possible, and not much weight is gone, so I came on here almost 2 weeks ago. Dont give up, keep talking to people. Like he said, an excersise bike would be great! I had one for years and never used it, now I dont know where it is!! :) I did buy a medicine ball and a band, you can do alot of things with them too. Give it time and check in here everyday .I BELIEVE IN YOU. You CAN do it!! tell yourself that over and over. oh, and I have only lost 3 lbs so far. Add me too if you like!!
  • Tree72
    Tree72 Posts: 942 Member
    Well, motivation is really all in your head. So what works for one person may not work for another. With that disclaimer, here are some things that help me.

    Time will continue to pass regardless of the choices you make. You could go back to the way you were doing things before and be in the same spot you are now in a year. But it seems that you aren't happy with where you are now. So, if you want to be different, you have to make different choices. One of my favorite quotes is from Albert Einstein, "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Those better choices you are making now, to work out and to eat healthier, will have results in the long run. A year from now you can look back and see how much stronger you are and all the things you can do so much easier.

    You are very capable of making changes to make your life better, but you have to WANT to make those changes. You have to make those little decisions every day that take you closer to your goal. No one else can do it for you. But, you do have all of us who can listen and send some encouragement. If you believe that you can be a healthier, stronger person, then you will be a healthier, stronger person. :flowerforyou: