Empowerment not deprivation

So often we are tempted to eat something not on the plan, and the rationalizing starts immediately. I worked out really hard, I deserve it for doing so well, then we do it! We give in, or talk ourselves into thinking it was ok, and then we leave feeling sad, or like a failure, and that ice cream sandwich ends up not being that satisfying! Or in the case that we walk away completely saying, "No I don't need it." We still have feeling of deprivation...
When I started this weight loss journey, I also started an amazing book called Made to Crave, Lysa Terkeurst. Only on Chapter 4 but so far it has taught me that instead of feeling deprived when I turn something down, I should feel empowered! EMPOWERED, what a word, and really why shouldn't we be feeling this way? We had the self control that we once lacked to say No, we should be feeling good! Even if it was for that one moment, or that one day! Empowered! That's exactly how I feel, after taking my kids to Dairy Queen and ordering a water, I feel empowered. Amazing. Like for the first time I can do this! I have the ability! Or yesterday when I went to that birthday party, that had pizza, and cake and ice cream, I ate a plate full of salad, and treated myself to a diet pepsi... I felt empowered! As I watched all of my overweight family members engorge themselves with the most unhealthy food choices, I felt amazing. Even if tomorrow I won't be able to say No again, today I am going to bed feeling like I am in CONTROL of my weight, of what I put into my body. It really is empowering! So if not forever let's at least try today to remember, every time we think we want something, "Empowered not deprived!"


  • ccaym
    ccaym Posts: 86
    Thank you so much for this!!!
  • LizToner
    LizToner Posts: 49
  • jacs2806
    jacs2806 Posts: 23
    Great post! Love the positive vibe!
  • jllipson
    jllipson Posts: 646
    Very well stated - and definitely a motivational way of looking at things!
  • LizToner
    LizToner Posts: 49
    How do you guys put your goals and stats up in green?
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    I love this post and could not agree more.

    One of my favorite sayings, which goes well with this empowerment: Eat to live, don't live to eat!
  • jllipson
    jllipson Posts: 646
    How do you guys put your goals and stats up in green?

    I just went to Signature at top of this page, go down to bottom of last thing you have on yours, hit enter, then type away - it does have character limits, so decide before hand what you want to have on yours.