july's fatloss challenge.

I didn’t post Junes challenge so I decided I would post Julys. If you want to join! you are more then free too! If you want to check my blog for Junes challenges results for me I will be posting them ^^

5 days training

-Upper body
• 2 sets/ 15 reps- push up
3sets/10-12 reps.
• side lateral raise
• dumbbell bench press
• triceps kick backs
• seated rows
• alt hammer curls
• stability ball hyper extensions
• air bike
• 20 mins cardio

-abs/ cardio
Weeks one/three
2 sets
• high knees with a jump rope [interval, of 8rounds, 10second rest, 20 second action.]
• hanging knee raises [20 reps]
Week two/four
3 sets
• weighted toe crunch [15reps]
• oblique row [15 reps each side]
• scissor kick [20reps]
• bicycle crunch [15reps each side]
• in and out plank [15 reps each side]

Weeks one/three
• 2 sets/15 reps- jump squats
3 sets 10-12 reps
• plie dumbbell squats
• clean
• barbell side lunge
• Bulgarian lunged
• dead lifts
• standing calve raise [with weight]
• 20mins cardio
Weeks two/four
need a stability ball for first three exercises
• wall squat [10-12reps
• butt lifts [10-12reps
• hip extensions [12-15reps]
• butt blaster [15reps]
• single legged butt lift [15reps each leg]
• four point gluts bridge [15reps]

Week one/three
2 sets
• high knees with a jump rope [interval, of 8rounds, 10second rest, 20 secound action.]
• hanging knee raises [20 reps]
Week two/four
3 sets
• weighted toe crunch [15reps]
• oblique row [15 reps each side]
• scissor kick [20reps]
• bicycle crunch [15reps each side]
• in and out plank [15 reps each side]

-full body
• 2 sets/ 15 reps - butt lifts
3 sets 10-12reps
• push press
• dumbbell dead lift
• bent over rows
• pull up’s
• tiff leg barbell good morning
• barbell rear lunge.

Food challenge will be no fried foods!!! for me, you can pick one of your own choice! last month I did not eat any cheese!

Check out bodybuilding.com site for the break down some of the work outs!
http://www.bodybuilding.com/guides/female-20to39-fat-loss/training I hope you enjoy as much as I know I am Going too!!


  • AAJoseph
    AAJoseph Posts: 53 Member
  • NubyGloom
    NubyGloom Posts: 49
    So I start the challenge tomorrow!! and I will post my weights! for each one! ^^
  • NubyGloom
    NubyGloom Posts: 49
    So I did the upper body work out yesterday and here is the weights I used!

    Side raises- 10lbs
    Bench press- 30lbs
    triceps kick backs- 10lbs
    seated rows- 30lbs
    alt hammer curls 15lbs!

    I did 5 regular push ups for each set! which is good for me!! I use to not even be able to do one! ^_^!!
  • NubyGloom
    NubyGloom Posts: 49
    ok all my weights are always training and I don't have a PC to update all the time! but so far loving this. I found I am getting stronger, and losing inches, little lbs gaining lots of muscle lbs! and that's what I am looking to do right know! I got myself a lifting beach and believe its the best investment in my life so far.. besides my bible ! lol

    Got a good deal on it! excited to really start using it! ^_^

    So far I have been able to jog the whole block which is something new for me!
  • NubyGloom
    NubyGloom Posts: 49
    Ok heres the up date so far!

    Upper body:
    side lateral raise 10lbs
    Barbell bench press 35lbs [max I can press is 50]
    triceps kick backs 10lbs
    seated rows 25lbs
    alt hammer curls 15lbs

    Lower body: [added two new ones ^-^]
    plie dumbbell squats 15lbs
    clean 30lbs
    barbell side lunge 35lbs
    Bulgarian lunged 35lbs
    dead lifts 35lbs
    standing calve raise [with weight] 30lbs
    leg lifts 55lbs
    lying lifts 45lbs

    weight toe crunch 20lbs
    oblique row 15lbs

    Fullbody day
    Butt lifts [i added weight] 25lbs
    push press 30lbs
    dead lifts 40lbs
    bent rows 25 lbs
    good mornings 20lbs
    rear lunge 30lbs
    [added] squats 40lbs

    ^-^ getting stronger each day! and had a huge compliment when my cousin who hasn't seen me for three months said I look so small know!