Breast feeding and excercising but I regained the weight I j

I lost a few pounds and now I have regained it, despite working out at least 4x a week burning 600 calories each time. I also breast feed and an eating just below the recommended calorie goal.

Please take a look at my food diary and let me know if there is anything else you can recommend.


  • April1975MFP
  • April1975MFP
  • PinUpMommy
    PinUpMommy Posts: 94
    Off the bat, you're eating WAY too much sugar. You also don't seem to have much in the way of fruits or veggies. Cut down on the sugar, and up your fruits and veggies intake.
  • April1975MFP
    Off the bat, you're eating WAY too much sugar. You also don't seem to have much in the way of fruits or veggies. Cut down on the sugar, and up your fruits and veggies intake.

    I have an apple and banana or grapefruit every day which unfortunately has a lot of sugar. Even though I stay below my calories, I should still cut my sugar? I don't drink juice.
  • kgagnon7779
    kgagnon7779 Posts: 216
    You're probably not going to like this, but I don't think you're eating enough. When you're breastfeeding, your body really wants to store fat. Maybe you should try a more protein rich diet with less carbs? Do you ever do protein shakes?
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    First thing that came to mind is that you are not eating enough.
  • April1975MFP
    Can you give me advice on what I can get rid of and what protein I can add? I don't know how to add more protein to this diet.
  • April1975MFP
  • Teeladog
    Teeladog Posts: 157 Member
    I looked at your food diary. For the last few days you have been near your calorie goal but for at least a week before that (that is as far back as I went) you were WAAAAAAAY under your calorie goal (600 or 700 calories under). You HAVE to eat your calories. Especially working out and breastfeeding. If your body thinks it is not going to get the calories it needs every day then it starts hanging on to the ones it already has.

    If you are finding yourself under your goal, eat nutritious, high calorie foods like nuts or even cheese (both with give you protein). Think about adding a protein shake.

    The main thing though, I think, is that you need to make sure to eat everything that MFP says you should or at least get a lot closer to it on a more regular basis.

    good luck!
  • jodidlyO
    jodidlyO Posts: 37
    For me it was a complete myth about breastfeeding and weight loss. I think my body just felt like it needed to hang on to a bit extra. It came off pretty easily once I stopped. I have talked to other women who had the same experience too ...

    *please don't think I am suggesting you stop breastfeeding your baby. This was just my experience. Not everyone loses tons of weight while breastfeeding like you might have read!
  • April1975MFP
    I looked at your food diary. For the last few days you have been near your calorie goal but for at least a week before that (that is as far back as I went) you were WAAAAAAAY under your calorie goal (600 or 700 calories under). You HAVE to eat your calories. Especially working out and breastfeeding. If your body thinks it is not going to get the calories it needs every day then it starts hanging on to the ones it already has.

    If you are finding yourself under your goal, eat nutritious, high calorie foods like nuts or even cheese (both with give you protein). Think about adding a protein shake.

    The main thing though, I think, is that you need to make sure to eat everything that MFP says you should or at least get a lot closer to it on a more regular basis.

    good luck!

    Thanks, I will eat the recommended calorie amount and see if that helps. Does it matter what type of calories I eat? Also, I have been excercising more in the last 2 weeks but have been putting the weight back on. I can't figure out why.

    And I just discovered that the Elliptical machine give you an inflated reading of how much calories you are burning so I may not have been eating that much below.
  • April1975MFP
    For me it was a complete myth about breastfeeding and weight loss. I think my body just felt like it needed to hang on to a bit extra. It came off pretty easily once I stopped. I have talked to other women who had the same experience too ...

    *please don't think I am suggesting you stop breastfeeding your baby. This was just my experience. Not everyone loses tons of weight while breastfeeding like you might have read!

    Iknow they say your body will hang on to the last 10lbs or so, but 35lbs?:noway: I did initially loose 4 lbs but quickly put in back on (in less than aweek). I can't see how I could have added 4 lbs a fat when I haven't been over eating.