Did you all have a "breaking point" photo?



  • Jenn728
    Jenn728 Posts: 683 Member
    Yes! Mine is under my photos and labeled 2010.

    That was taken on an annual trip. I cried the day I packed because I had nothing to wear, my tshirts were too tight....I was in a deep depression. I just felt gross, this is the heaviest I had ever been (aside from pregnancies, which I bounced back quickly from).

    I've lost 12 pounds since then...it's a constant battle to not gain weight, but totally worth the effort.
  • sdwelk11
    sdwelk11 Posts: 825
    mine is in my pics in my profile. It was taken December 2009 at my Christmas party at work. I was so appalled by the fact that my head looks as if it is going to explode!!!!!! I didnt see the pic until around January 2010. I am back on track after losing 35 pounds and am starting over, I had gained 20 pounds back out of the 35 and have given myself a new shot at being healthy. I started a new starting weight and in 6 more pounds I will be back to where I was when I lost the 35 pounds. I have a long ways to go but this time is different for me. My new view on life is different, some things in my personal life have changed for the better and my eating habits are finally under a managable control. I have found a new way of eating that keeps me both full and satisfied without ever being hungry or have cravings.
  • mrsdaytons
    mrsdaytons Posts: 24 Member
    My breaking point was in a video. It was of my children and I was in the background walking and they caught me from behind. I was so disgusted by what I saw. I never realized that I looked that way and hated it!! I lost a lot of weight since then and I'm working on the last few pounds. My sis has been a big help and encourages and inspires my a lot. I will never look like that again!!!