But I Like My Knees

SheCantWeight Posts: 36 Member
edited 7:30AM in Fitness and Exercise
Okay sooo I've been doing varying exercises, swimming, running, random cardio, you name it all mixed in with Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. Today I woke up and my knees hurt, badly, I'm not sure if it's from the shred, because I really pushed myself yesterday with the squats or it could be from different muscles I've been using to swim lately. BUT whatever it is I don't know how serious it is, maybe natural soreness from working new muscles but I don't want to injure myself either and just pass it up as soreness if its something more serious. I'm just starting to really get into this stuff and get used to it as a lifestyle, I don't want to have to sit on the bench this early. Any suggestions as to what I should do?


  • I am also having knee problems from 30DS. It's not like workout burn, its more like "potential injury pain". I have modified the 30DS for myself so that it is a little more knee friendly. I am doing different types of cardio than some of the jumpy stuff and am really making sure to watch my form on the squats etc.
  • abbie017
    abbie017 Posts: 410
    Practice the RICE method as soon as you start feeling any pain (http://www.uihealthcare.com/topics/prepareemergencies/prep4922.htm has good descriptions of all the steps).

    Please be careful with your knees!! Make sure you're doing the positions right (especially squats!). When doing squats, I've found it helps to take a resistance band around both legs, right above your knees - not sure what it does exactly, but as soon as my physical therapist suggested it, it made doing squats 100x better!

    Good luck!
  • tlcAK
    tlcAK Posts: 671 Member
    Practice the RICE method as soon as you start feeling any pain (http://www.uihealthcare.com/topics/prepareemergencies/prep4922.htm has good descriptions of all the steps).

    Please be careful with your knees!! Make sure you're doing the positions right (especially squats!). When doing squats, I've found it helps to take a resistance band around both legs, right above your knees - not sure what it does exactly, but as soon as my physical therapist suggested it, it made doing squats 100x better!

    Good luck!

    I agree... I had knee surgery 2 years ago...then packed on some weight. So my new knee hurts and thats all you can do... Modifications to your workouts... and then no matter what RICE. You wouldn't believe how much you learn to love ice!
  • tkcasta
    tkcasta Posts: 405 Member
    Ice bath and ibuprofen. JM does super high impact stuff and it can really hurt. Do some low impact until you are feeling better, and until then ice and ibuprofen. (I used to play soccer very competitively and I have the worst knees ever! This is the only thing that help with the pain) Just don't stop, you don't want everything to atrophy. LOW IMPACT! That's the way to go until you're feeling healed.
  • DKev
    DKev Posts: 266 Member
    Hm. So it's not just me. I've recently finished the 30DS and never had any knee aches or pain before and now regularly ache in my knees.
  • Ice ice ice and take care of them knees..
  • I've had bruises pop up all over my legs ever since I started becoming more active. I was even scared that I was having nutritional deficiencies and/or anemia! I asked my mom and she said that I shouldn't worry since I'm in the beginning of a lifestyle and diet change, but should get it checked out if the problem persists.

    I know that when I exercise, especially during HIIT training, I can get caught up and not pay attention to all the impact I'm putting on my legs, wrists, etc. as I get into planks and different positions. Hopefully my legs will toughen up and eventually my bruising will stop -- I'm not willing to just stop my physical activity, though! I'm going to try to be more aware from now on, haha.
  • slynn777
    slynn777 Posts: 17
    I have pain in my knees also sometimes. It has gotten better since I have been doing strength training in my legs. But it flairs up if I run or do anything with jumping. I have taken Glucosamine Chondroitin when I have problems and it seems to help me.
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    Okay sooo I've been doing varying exercises, swimming, running, random cardio, you name it all mixed in with Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. Today I woke up and my knees hurt, badly, I'm not sure if it's from the shred, because I really pushed myself yesterday with the squats or it could be from different muscles I've been using to swim lately. BUT whatever it is I don't know how serious it is, maybe natural soreness from working new muscles but I don't want to injure myself either and just pass it up as soreness if its something more serious. I'm just starting to really get into this stuff and get used to it as a lifestyle, I don't want to have to sit on the bench this early. Any suggestions as to what I should do?

    Squats and jumping should not be effecting your knees if you are doing them properly. (provided you have health knees)

    - Feet shoulder width or slightly wider and pointed about 30 degree out.
    - Hips/butt as far back as possible during the squat
    - Take your quads to parallel to the ground
    - Push back up with your heels, not your toes and drive hips forward
    - Force/hold knees outward
    - Knees should not travel in front of your toes.

    - Don’t land with locked knees, keep them slightly bent.
    - When you land try not to make a sound. If you make a “thud” on the floor, you are landing too hard and this can affect your knees
  • RICE method works great, and if it's still hurting in a couple of days go see your doctor. You can also take ibuprofen or Advil (naproxen) if you're able.

    I haven't tried 30DS but I experienced something similar when I started Insanity. The first injury wasn't my knee, but a pulled glute or something, when I went into squat position there was a literal pain in the rear that forced me to stop that program temporarily. When I recovered from that and added squats into my regular workout, I thought I would be able to restart Insanity in the next week or so... but then my left knee started acting up and hurting, again with the squat position. I may need to have a friend of mine, or my wife, watch my squats to make sure I'm maintaining proper form.
  • BeautyFromWithin
    BeautyFromWithin Posts: 290 Member
    I had really sore knees the first couple days of level 2 of the shred. I found that once I added back in the knees circles from the warm up from level one, it helped a lot. However, my knees still pop a lot - like the joints- during the day! I had pre-patellaburstitis or however it's spelt from hyperextending my knee about 4 years ago. It's water about the knee, the most painful injury I've ever experienced by far, so I have to be careful because it could come back again. :( But yeah, try doing extra knee rotations. That should help.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I thought about getting the 30 day shred but didn't because there were a lot of reviews on Amazon from users saying they'd had knee problems after doing it. There were just as many or more who said they didn't, but my knees are over 1/2 century old so I decided it wasn't worth the risk.
  • kmf121110
    kmf121110 Posts: 6
    Have you tried taking a glucosamine supplement? I take one from my business and it has helped out tremendously!
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    Try and examine your technique before resorting to supplements/drugs, etc… if your technique is wrong (maybe it isn't, I don't know) and causing the problem that can lead to more serious problems if you just mask the discomfort. Fixing your technique is easy, free, and will have much longer term benefits.
  • MrsBubba
    MrsBubba Posts: 14 Member
    When I started running a bunch of miles a week I had the same, "near injury" pain in my knees. I made an appointment with the orthopedic doctor and my chiropractor's massage therapist. The Doc gave me some in home exercises and the massage therapist gave me several stretches. I still use the stretches but no longer do the in home exercises. I also iced my knees constantly and took and anti-inflammatory pain medication. All together, I no longer have knee pain and am running longer and faster than I thought I ever would! I use Turbo Jam on my off days from running so I am doing jumping and squats too. :-)

    There is no shame in going to the doc even when it's just a "check and see" visit!
  • Take care of your knees!! I've had both knees replaced and six knee surgeries. Follow the advice of your Orthopedic Doctor and Physical Therapist.
  • Jaradel
    Jaradel Posts: 143 Member
    I'm not doing 30DS but my taekwondo classes have been murder on my right knee this week. Fortunately I'll have the weekend to recover, since my next class is not until next Tuesday, but just wanted to let you know that you are not alone! I'm going to try to take it easy this weekend, but also keep moving so my knee doesn't get stiff.
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