Hi! My name is Mei

I've been using My Fitness Pal for awhile and I really like the features I found here so far - the recipes feature and the foods database. I've used My fitness pal successfully to lose weight a month ago for a wedding.

I am now however back to my less than ideal weight. One of my favorite gray dresses the other day told me I put on 4-5 lbs. I look forward to meeting other members through this forum to help get me back on track.

About Me:

I enjoy trying and cooking new foods and recipes and I'm trying to incorporate less meat and fat into what I eat. My latest cuisine obsession is Persian / Indian. To keep fit I try to jog/run 5-6 miles every other day. I try to do basic sit ups and pushups to start weight training. I'm also learning Qi Gong en route to hopefully taking up Tai Chi and Yoga.

Thanks for reading!