Starting over

JulieMD Posts: 23 Member
Hi everyone.. I've made an intro post before at the beginning of the year. I'm ashamed to say I haven't consistantly logged in here in several months. I had lost 4 lbs and a few inches back then, but now I'm exactly where I was and just as unhappy with myself. I don't even wanna wake up in the mornings sometimes because I hate how I look.
Now I'm entering my senior year of high school, and I want to go into college looking better, if nothing else. My weight loss goal is probably around 10 lbs, but I'm not altogether sure. I want to gain muscle, too, so it could very well be only 5 lbs. My biggest problem at this point is getting to a gym.. I can't consistently go. I can, however, run. My record is 5 miles in 57 mins =] My problem there is getting up early enough =P I set an alarm today for 7am, so hopefully I can drag my butt out of bed early enough before it gets hot.
I'm working towards getting up at 4-4:30 am so I can run a few miles before school, seeing as how I'll be getting a job in August. Hopefully.

Anyway, anyone have tips on building willpower? That's my weakest link. Thanks!



  • Ally_Clare
    Ally_Clare Posts: 355 Member
    Hi Julie,

    Keep up with the exercise and diet, a few tricks i use are sticking pictures up on my walls of things that will motivate me such as fit and healthy women from magazines or pictures of yummy fruit so i don't reach for chocolate. I know it's tough but once you get into the swing of it, it will get much easier.

    I'm a uni student and find that when i exercise i also can concentrate more on my assessments and exams. It's great that you run and that's fantastic effort. Maybe to motivate you each morning make a playlist to keep it fresh or buy a new pair of sneakers. Anything to get you going. Have you got a friend who is able to come to the gym with you? I recently started at a gym with my bf and it's the absolute best cause if one of us don't feel like going we just motivate eachother and tell eachother how much better we'll feel after. Add me as a friend if yo like and i can try and keep you on track.

    Best of luck xx
  • JulieMD
    JulieMD Posts: 23 Member
    Oh, that's a really good idea! I never thought of the pictures thing.. I'm gonna have to try it out.
    Sadly, I don't have any friends that can come to the gym with me.. Being in high school with strict parents makes it hard to get together to go do anything, much less exercise. A friend and I have decided to start running together though, hopefully soon. =]