Newbie here!

Hi everyone, my name is Nicole. I have had 2 children in 2 years and I'm desperate to lose the 40+ pounds I've gained. My problem is finding time to exercise. I work fulltime, my husband is int he police academy fulltime which leaves me with the kids all the time, and no time for myself at all. I am really unhappy with myself and my weight and I am truly motivated to shed the pounds. I'm hoping this site will help me stay focused and motivated.


  • slyder432
    slyder432 Posts: 475 Member
    Hey Nicole..welcome to a great site!! You can do this!! Add me if you like and good luck!!
  • koolkat92
    koolkat92 Posts: 16 Member
    Welcome and gooe luck. Great site here. Friend me if you would like.
  • Rebjones612
    Rebjones612 Posts: 408
    Hello and welcome....
    feel free to add me as a friend...
  • sarahj2006
    sarahj2006 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Nicole!! I'm new here to just joined about 2 minutes ago! Anyways I know how you feel I just had a baby boy 7 months ago and all of a sudden gained a lot of weight. I work full time 1-10 and my boyfriend works from 5pm -2am. So basically in the mornings before work I dont work out because I know he needs to get some rest to. I find myself having no time to work out and when I do its just something simple like playing Just Dance on the Wii. I want to lose about 40 lbs also and hopefully I can get myself to do that. My biggest down fall is since I work at a desk job my favorite thing to do is SNACK!! and I love my SUGAR!!! Hopefully I can find myself eating healthier. I went to GNC yesterday and bought myself the 14 day GNC transformation... Maybe something to help me out a little... Hopefully it works!! I'm looking for somebody to help motivate myself! Hopefully I can be here to motivate you to! I know we can both do this!!
  • qnamcgee
    qnamcgee Posts: 4
    We can help each other! It's so hard finding that time for yourself. I know I could get up early in the morning but i'm just so exhausted some days. Feel free to add me as a friend. I need the extra push from everyone here.