Getting Discouraged

So I'm starting to get discouraged. I have gained weight this week, although I haven't cheated a single time. I really expected to see good results at this week's weigh in. Needing some encouraging words....


  • Mathisfun
    Mathisfun Posts: 104 Member
    Had the same problem last week....wondered why I was trying to be good when there was no change on the scales or in my measurements. Stayed with it and this week saw a slight change. Don't give will see a change as long as you keep it up!
  • MrsRobertson1005
    MrsRobertson1005 Posts: 552 Member
    You can do it! I hurt my shoulder and I just want to give up because it is so hard to loose weight just by eating good because i already eat pretty good. But I decided I'm not giving up, I'm gonna give it my all and see what I can do for me. a lot of people say, did you gain that weight overnight? So why expect it to come off that fast? It's a good point, your body's got to get used to it all before you will loose a lot
  • Erykah3584
    Erykah3584 Posts: 324 Member
    Have you been doing some strength training? Maybe you just gained some muscle mass! :) Dont give up! Getting fit is not always about the scale. Its about how you feel, the way your clothes fit, gaining energy, gaining strength and endurance and just being more healthy!
  • ChChCharlie
    Don't give up! I didn't lose for 4 weeks! Think that whatever you are doing must be doing SOME good, the scales/tape measure will follow.

    Always better to do it slowly and healthily as unfortunately there is no quick fix.

    Good luck!
  • anna_lisa
    anna_lisa Posts: 486 Member
    I had the same problem. Didn't cheat and was as dedicated as ever. Got on the scale this morning and out of nowhere lost 2.5 lbs.

    Don't be discouraged, keep doing what your and you will succeed
  • TTops76
    TTops76 Posts: 116
    Stop weighing yourself!! It is so easy to become discouraged by what the scale reads but there is so much more to it than lbs. This is a life journey; we do not reach the finish line overnight (thank goodness) Be patient, and know that if you stick to it you will see results; on and off the scale
  • Mandalicious
    Mandalicious Posts: 126
    I know how discouraging that can be! I went almost five weeks with NO loss though I stuck to my calorie goals and exercised. Looking back, I could tell that my body was getting firmer over that time and then the weight started coming off without my changing anything. Just keep at it for a few weeks and see if it changes. Don't give up!!
  • ttrotter1960
    I am so sorry to hear that but there is no reason for feeling discouraged. This is a journey and not one has a destination or a finish line - it is a life long journey. You can't look at it like that. You are doing what you need to do to be healthy. Everything else including your weight will fall into line but it might not happen over night and the path there might not always be straight. Just keep going, you are doing fine.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    The scale doesn't know the difference between fat, muscle, water & waste. If you did not consume more calories than you burned off, you did not gain fat. Period. Don't give the scale so much power. You know you're doing what you need to do to get healthy even if the scale tells you something different.
  • TTops76
    TTops76 Posts: 116
    It says you joined in June of this year and have already lost 9 lbs! That's quite an achievement give your body a chance to get used to the new way of doing things.
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    It helps me to think of my mind and my body as two separate beings. I can control my mind.... so the choices I make are in MY CONTROL. what is not in my control is what my body does. Especially being a woman... jeez, I can go a whole week with 5 extra pounds of bloated extra water!~! What Im trying to say is that you can only control so much, you body will respond when it wants too.

    Last week I was really discourage cuz I didnt feel like I was doing well. I got so down on myself and I let my mind trick me into believing that I did bad all month. So i binged and at cake at like 9oclock at night cuz I figured I would need to make it all up in July anyway... well turns out that I considering the WHOLE month, I did great. I just didnt do so well ONE week out of the month. And thats going to happen to everyone. One bad meal, one bad day... heck, one bad week isnt going to mess things up forever. The only thing you can do is push on... do the next right thing. make the next right choice. It will all work out in the end.