1000 and some calories!?

I started a new job today looking after children this required me to stand most of the day I would say I was on my feet for at least 5 hours! so I thought I'd be cheeky and see if standing was in the exercise database and it was so at 300 mins of standing I burnt 1000 and a bit calories!?

Surely not!?


  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    could be true! but only way of knowing for sure is by getting a HRM. But also keep in mind that MFP does take into account how active you are daily....so if you said you have an active lifestyle (i.e running after kids all day) those 1000 calories may already be taken into account.
  • Evotchka
    Evotchka Posts: 144 Member
    Well yes that could be but that is what you put in as your daily activity. If you would burn not one calorie during the day you wouldn't have to eat any either. Put yourself as lightly active in the activity thing but I wouldn't log it in :)
  • LittleVikki
    LittleVikki Posts: 88 Member
    I really need to get a HRM but no I put my settings on sedentary!
  • Evotchka
    Evotchka Posts: 144 Member
    could be true! but only way of knowing for sure is by getting a HRM. But also keep in mind that MFP does take into account how active you are daily....so if you said you have an active lifestyle (i.e running after kids all day) those 1000 calories may already be taken into account.
    Woops. One post and I don't read it, before I post? haha sorry I said just the same thing.
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Personally, I'd just change my activity level. :) My Home > Goals > Change Goals > Guided: Continue

    Try lightly active.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I really need to get a HRM but no I put my settings on sedentary!

    Change it to active and see how much it goes up...
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    1000 calories ON TOP of your TDEE? no you did not burn 1000 extra calories standing.
  • LittleVikki
    LittleVikki Posts: 88 Member
    Changed it to active and my cals didn't go up they stayed at 1200 damn! haha will just have to bare it!