My Zig-Zag Method Challenge - END!



  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    I will have to try this when I get stuck. I did go over a once this week b/c the boyfriend wanted Pizza Hut. I cant resist :smile:
  • _Sally_
    _Sally_ Posts: 514 Member
    Do u just go over then or do u change ur calories on MFP?

    Here's what I did (based on great tips from other posters on MFP):

    I created my 7 day schedule from free calculator available here:

    Then I manually set my MFP goal to be the lowest calorie day in my schedule (e.g., 1200) and then I created seven custom exercises for each day of the week and set them at the calorie amounts above 1200 that I'm scheduled to eat that day. For the 1200 calorie days, it ends up just being 1 calorie burned for the custom exercise. For my largest zig zag day, it's something like 400 calories.

    Every day, I add one of my custom exercises for that day of the week (named Sunday, Monday, etc.) to my log which will add my zig zag calories as exercise calories which automatically get added to my calorie consumption goal for the day.

    This really simplifies it! I don't have to remember the schedule at all.

    Good luck!
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Does anyone know if this has to be two days in a row of low cals and then the 3rd of high cals? or can you do one day high, one day low?

    I think the idea is to keep your body, on the lower range, while keeping your metabolism spiked via the higher days. I think it might work just alternating...but your losses most likely wouldn't be as effectively applied.
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