July weight loss challenge



  • melzteach
    melzteach Posts: 550 Member
    Good morning! I finished yesterday with a 30 minutes arm workout and started today with the Classical Stretch DVD. I did not complete it in order not to be in pain tomorrow. I must have done some 20 minutes out of the 30 minutes. This morning, I woke up with some pain in my finger, I had bruised it last March and it is still sensitive, so I will not go on my IT like I had planned to. I may go for a walk outside when the sun will be down, I'll see about that when the time comes.

    So far, I have exercised 5 days out of the 5 days in the month of July!!

    Have a nice day and take care.


    Great job!
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    When are we posting our results or checking in? 7, 14, 21 and end of the month? So far I have done ok on the exercise, but TOM is visiting this week, and this weekend we are going to Philly for a game and then to Atlantic City for a couple days. Maybe I picked the wrong month to do a challenge! :ohwell:
  • Leanne3552000
    Leanne3552000 Posts: 395 Member
    I started the 30 day shred yesderday and wow am I feeling it this morning. At least I know it means I've had a good workout. Its going to be hard work getting on the tredmil today tho. Done zumba the last couple of days but i think my muscles are in too much pain to do it again today.
  • Leanne3552000
    Leanne3552000 Posts: 395 Member
    When are we posting our results or checking in? 7, 14, 21 and end of the month? So far I have done ok on the exercise, but TOM is visiting this week, and this weekend we are going to Philly for a game and then to Atlantic City for a couple days. Maybe I picked the wrong month to do a challenge! :ohwell:

    I would say you picked the right month to do this challenge. It might help stop you from going overboard on the food and alcohol while you're away. I don't know if thats a problem for you or not but I always put on a heap of weight when i go away
  • melzteach
    melzteach Posts: 550 Member
    When are we posting our results or checking in? 7, 14, 21 and end of the month? So far I have done ok on the exercise, but TOM is visiting this week, and this weekend we are going to Philly for a game and then to Atlantic City for a couple days. Maybe I picked the wrong month to do a challenge! :ohwell:

    I would say you picked the right month to do this challenge. It might help stop you from going overboard on the food and alcohol while you're away. I don't know if thats a problem for you or not but I always put on a heap of weight when i go away

    I didn't ever set a specific weigh-in day but just. My weigh in day is tomorrow. So I guess whatever day is best for you just once a week. If someone else has a better idea, I'm all ears!
  • My goal is to lose 10 pounds by the time I start graduate school (Aug. 22). It's true what they say about your freshman 15 and the stress of college life. I want to get back to my old 'in shape' self! Thanks to all who post in the community, its very encouraging and cannot wait to get started!


    I bought the "6-weeks to a bikini body workout" book and I am loving it! Its a great combination of card, strength training, and pilates. Good luck to everyone else!
  • melzteach
    melzteach Posts: 550 Member
    Okay so tomorrow is the moment of truth...weigh-in day for me. {{fingers crossed}}
  • melzteach
    melzteach Posts: 550 Member
    Weight loss plateau...BUSTED! 1.7 pounds lost this week I'm at a total of 17 pounds lost only 3 away from my end of the month goal!
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Not so good for me this week... no loss. TOM is hanging around yet. I've been good on the cals and the exercise, but kinda feel a bit blah. It has got to be TOM's fault.... isn't it always TOM? :grumble:
  • melzteach
    melzteach Posts: 550 Member
    Not so good for me this week... no loss. TOM is hanging around yet. I've been good on the cals and the exercise, but kinda feel a bit blah. It has got to be TOM's fault.... isn't it always TOM? :grumble:

    TOM sucks! I usually drink some dieter's tea and do a mini-cleanse whenever he visits.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    I have some exercise challenges and I am doing well with them but have been avoiding the weight loss ones. I have been on a plateau for awhile and upping exercise doesn't seem to help. I am trying a resting day. So I am really working. One thing that I think may work is finally having a schedule where I can cook better at home. I am hoping to lose soon.
  • Tmochava
    Tmochava Posts: 41 Member
    Weight loss plateau...BUSTED! 1.7 pounds lost this week I'm at a total of 17 pounds lost only 3 away from my end of the month goal!

  • Tmochava
    Tmochava Posts: 41 Member
    My goal for July is to lose 8 pounds. We shall see how this goes.
  • Piddy47
    Piddy47 Posts: 5 Member
    Weight loss plateau...BUSTED! 1.7 pounds lost this week I'm at a total of 17 pounds lost only 3 away from my end of the month goal!

    Sweet good job! I try to do my weigh-ins during the middle of the week so that the inconsistency of my weekend activities don't affect my true weight. Sometimes too much salt in my diet or changes in sleep or activities have an immediate impact on my weight on Monday, but I always balance back out by mid week when I get back to a regular schedule of eat, sleep, and exercise.

    I weighed in Tuesday morning and was so excited to see 136.6 on the scale, I not only held onto my 1 pound, but actually dipped into my next one. I successfully survived weekend one of weightloss threats! 3 more to survice before my bday weekend!
  • jamielynn1981
    jamielynn1981 Posts: 232 Member
    Still stuck at 119.2 this week:grumble:
    Weekends are hardest for me especially when hubby is not working-which he is not this weekend.
  • Leanne3552000
    Leanne3552000 Posts: 395 Member
    Gained 1.2 kg this week dispite exercise and not eating too much. I don't know how I gained.
  • melzteach
    melzteach Posts: 550 Member
    Gained 1.2 kg this week despite exercise and not eating too much. I don't know how I gained.

    Maybe you're not eating enough? Are you measuring and accurately logging in everything you eat?
  • Leanne3552000
    Leanne3552000 Posts: 395 Member
    Gained 1.2 kg this week despite exercise and not eating too much. I don't know how I gained.

    Maybe you're not eating enough? Are you measuring and accurately logging in everything you eat?

    I'm logging everything. I was eating about 1000 - 1300 calories a day. This week I'm making sure I eat at least 1200 everyday. Fingers crossed this makes a difference.
  • melzteach
    melzteach Posts: 550 Member
    Okay girls, I'm not hearing enough from all of you. Let's hear how things have been going...the good, the bad, and the ugly. We can all motivate and inspire each other so....
  • melzteach
    melzteach Posts: 550 Member
    I'm trying to stay under by a couple hundred calories each day. Clearly today that didn't happen. However I'm pleased with the day. This morning I did Turbo Fire-Fire 55, then played with the kids at a water park for about 6 hours, played a round of mini golf, and walked/run a mile on the school track! My legs are throbbing! My sunburned skin is surprisingly...not that bad.
    Anyhow the rest of the week I'll be doubling up on my workouts. While the kids are at VBS I'll either do the track thing or something with my SIL (Turbo Fire or P90X). I L-O-V-E, love exercising!
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