I'm so dissapointed in myself



  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member
    Hey Lovely,

    Don't beat yourself up. Recording our exercise/food on here is SUCH en eye-opener. Weight loss is bound to have set-backs, but don't allow them to actually set you back. Just take a deep breath and focus on the next food option in front of you. You can, and are, doing this!

    Kiss your kid(s) and enjoy the rest of your day!


    YES!!!! This is along the same lines of what I was going to say. Take today as a learning day. Remember how you feel right now and the next time your tempted to eat Jack in the Box recall your emotions. When I'm being tempted to blow my day I think about what it will feel like to step on the scale and see the number be lower then the week before.

    Hang in there!
  • _Sally_
    _Sally_ Posts: 514 Member
    You are neither a good or bad person based on what you eat. Food is not a reward or a punishment, it is just fuel for your body.

    Part of the journey is educating ourselves (and tracking is a huge eye opener for all of us!) and learning to make more choices that promote health and breaking the emotional relationship with food. This does not happen overnight and is not a linear process - there will be steps forward and some steps backward, but as long as you keep moving in the right direction towards your goals over the long term, you will achieve what you set out for yourself.

    You are doing great! You deserve kind, nurturing treatment by yourself and others. Don't look back, keep looking forward!! :smile: