Who's doing Tracy Anderson's Metamorphosis?

Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
:happy: I love Tracy Anderson :happy:

oh, and let me start by saying Tracy bashers need not reply.. I dont care about your negative opinions! I'm happy with her :smile:

She sucked me in with that darn informercial playing early in the morning so often. I ended up buying her older 2008 mat workout and fell in love. Some complain of her lack on instruction blah blah blah. I prefer this! I hate trainers that blabber through the whole freakin' workout. It takes a few times or more of doing the dvd to really catch on to the moves and how many reps she does (it's good to watch the dvds through without doing them, count reps, watch how she's doing things) but once you get it, you realize how genius it is and revel in the fact that she's ACTUALLY doing the whole workout with you- not hovering over some model pointing out what they're doing- oh and not blabbering on through the whole thing. I added that dvd to my weekly routine, doing it maybe a couple of times a week, sometimes three. Over the past month and a half I KNOW that that dvd is why my love handles are smaller and my tummy's shrinking and my butt's shaping and lifting. YEAH!

That being said, I bared down and forked over the $100 plus shipping to QVC for her new metamorphosis system (i reccommend using them- while shipping was slow (didnt come for about 2 1/2 weeks) they included a bonus dvd- the first continuity dvd of her set) and today did the very first day of the hipcentric dvds. I liked it a lot!! I burned 376 cals in 73 minutes (and got up to max 170 beats per min). That includes a 6ish minute warmup and cooldown (which I had to come up with on my own- she doesn't have a warm up and cooldown! I was like "what...?" these things are vital for not being super sore and getting your heartrate down slowly at the end.... so i wish she would've included that... I ended up using the warmup and cooldown from her mat dvd though so it worked out fine so that's a big con) the dance cardio 30 min dvd and the first day of the hipcentric muscle work (also 30 mins). I felt like having done her mat workout for the last month and a half prepared me for her style and lack of cues (which of course i like once you get used to her moves- i dont like trainers that blabber through the whole workout) - it wasn't as much of a shock as some reviews complain about, ya know? I really liked the muscle work- it kicked my butt (and hips and thighs, haha)! The dance cardio made me feel so silly though. I'm the epitome of a white girl with no rhythym and her dancing is lots and lots of bouncing, fast feet. I was really happy to be doing it in my apartment by myself... haha) Really hard to catch onto for a non-dancer.... but I ended up probably only doing a few of the same moves as her- the rest of the time I was just bouncing around like some teenager at a rave. lol. I'll get better at it and I'm confident I'll come to like it even more. The perfectionist in me comes out when I can't get something like that right. Gah. Overall, B+! I enjoyed it, still had to watch the tv most of the time though so that I didn't get lost because she doesn't cue movement changes didn't explain form much (but once again, i'll catch on. The camera did a great job of catching different angles of everything, also above so i'll get 'em better next time) and honestly I dont know that I could do that dance cardio every single day and enjoy it (maybe if you're a dancer you'd enjoy it more.. but I don't like dancing much, cuz I suck at it! haha) so I might end up swapping that half hour out for some other intense cardio dvd maybe every other day or something- we'll see how it goes. I'm not going to follow her diet- I disagree with it as many others have. I don't want to eat as little as she suggests, I'd get too bored with the same foods and be more likely to binge. I'm continuing with my own high veggie and protein, some good carbs and fruit diet that's been working and making me feel healthy so far. So while she does have her cons, she's got a heck of a lot more pros! and who's perfect anyhow?

Anyways I just thought I'd give my opinion since there hasn't been many posts about her and lots of frusteratingly negative people who probably haven't even seen it or given it a try, just going off the opinion of some stupid reviewer. Those of you who just want to bash it please go read someone else's post and leave me alone in my happy little tracy anderson world! I also just wanted to see who else is doing it, figured we could support each other!



  • HeidiYogi
    HeidiYogi Posts: 81 Member
    Haha, Starlage! I LOVE IT!!!! And I love Tracy too! I can tell I'm getting even smaller even though my weight isn't going down (totally fine with that) - I feel GREAT! I'm scared to move on to level 6 in a couple of days........maybe I'll start watching it tonight to better prepare myself. I am SO glad that you are enjoying it and just go for it during the dance cardio!!!! Dance like no one is watching! ;) Even Gwyneth struggled in the beginning but now, she's got it (or so I hear, LOL)

    I'm so tired too of the negativity - if you haven't tried it don't knock it just because some Canadian nutritionist did and he doesn't even know what he's talking about. Do your own freaking research! If you have questions, look at my freaking food diary! Am I starving myself??! No......but enough about that. ;)

    Love your post and loved reading how you're into it! Keep up that momentum and you will be amazed by your results!!

  • cupcakecarnivore
    Haha, Starlage! I LOVE IT!!!! And I love Tracy too! I can tell I'm getting even smaller even though my weight isn't going down (totally fine with that) - I feel GREAT! I'm scared to move on to level 6 in a couple of days........maybe I'll start watching it tonight to better prepare myself. I am SO glad that you are enjoying it and just go for it during the dance cardio!!!! Dance like no one is watching! ;) Even Gwyneth struggled in the beginning but now, she's got it (or so I hear, LOL)

    I'm so tired too of the negativity - if you haven't tried it don't knock it just because some Canadian nutritionist did and he doesn't even know what he's talking about. Do your own freaking research! If you have questions, look at my freaking food diary! Am I starving myself??! No......but enough about that. ;)

    Love your post and loved reading how you're into it! Keep up that momentum and you will be amazed by your results!!


    What she said;) I'm currently on day 70 of omnicentric metamorphosis and couldn't be happier with the results! I have had two of my friends start metamorphosis because they were so impressed with how much my body changed! Love her and love the program!
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    Glad to have another tracy fan cupcakecarnivore! Glad to hear from people that are so far into it and seeing results :o) I can't wait! I decided to wait til monday to officially start my 90 days so that I can have sunday as my rest day but I'll be starting soon!
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    Ok here goes the official start of my 90 days!! Can't wait!
  • mrslaserbeam
    I'm on Level 2 of the abcentric program. I really love Tracy Anderson, too. I have a bunch of her DVD's, but have never fully committed to them because I love running and yoga. Now I am stuck at home with my 3 month old, so I thought it is the perfect time to really give her program a chance. I have a lot to lose after this last pregnancy, so I know the cardio is key for me, but its the hardest to get to. I always get the mat work done, but the dance cardio is so easy to skip! I have to recommit every couple days!

    Good luck to everyone who is doing the method! I'll update when I take my next measurements!
  • mn518
    mn518 Posts: 18
    I'm new and thought I'd chime in. How are you guys doing so far on her meta videos? I ordered the omni ones and hoping to start Wednesday. They're supposed to arrive tomorrow!
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    I'm new and thought I'd chime in. How are you guys doing so far on her meta videos? I ordered the omni ones and hoping to start Wednesday. They're supposed to arrive tomorrow!

    I'm on Level 2 of the abcentric program. I really love Tracy Anderson, too. I have a bunch of her DVD's, but have never fully committed to them because I love running and yoga. Now I am stuck at home with my 3 month old, so I thought it is the perfect time to really give her program a chance. I have a lot to lose after this last pregnancy, so I know the cardio is key for me, but its the hardest to get to. I always get the mat work done, but the dance cardio is so easy to skip! I have to recommit every couple days!

    Good luck to everyone who is doing the method! I'll update when I take my next measurements!

    Hi ladies!

    I feel ur pain and agree that the cardio's so easy to skip! I don't like dancing.... so it's hard to enjoy it. On top of that just two days in my ankles, feet and lower legs couldn't take all of that jumping (pretty sure I have crappy old shoes to blame- just gunna have to fork out the dough for new ones! I ended up stopping her cardio until my left heel heals- think I pulled the tendon a little) I have to admit I've been trading out her cardio for some jillian michaels cardio......

    But I LOVEEE the mat work and have done it regularly. I took this last weekend 'off' and didn't exercise so today will be day 6 for me so I'm just barely starting! I'm hoping to get myself back into the TAM dance mood... it's hard to do though when you're not fan of dancing! ha. oh well. I'll continue to be in love with her mat work and love how it's changing my body. I have noticed my butt taking a different shape and my outter and back thighs firming up, so that's exciting after only 5 days! Her mat work is KILLER and I hear it only gets harder! I keep meaning to have a friend take pictures of me from behind so I can really see the changes. I'm loving it so far though!!

    My pros- love her moves, love how strong they're making me feel, love that she does the whole workout with me
    con- hate the music!!! anyone else feel this way? I have to listen to my own to enjoy the workout completely. I've found that lady gaga and old school madonna work well :o)
  • vwfrog
    vwfrog Posts: 57 Member
    I'm considering purchasing the HipCentric dvds.
  • vwfrog
    vwfrog Posts: 57 Member
    I'm considering purchasing the HipCentric dvds.
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    you'll like 'em :o) anyone that's interested in tracy's moves by watching the infomercial etc will like them! People seem to be strongly one way or the other about her, so I figure if she intrigues you, you like her moves and method from what you've seen on infomercials you'll like it! Then there are the others that think it's a joke and don't think it works. bah humbug to them. Buy the dvds if you can afford it and give it a try! it's definitely helping me like exercise again.
  • DianaK78
    DianaK78 Posts: 55
    Hello Ladies!

    I purchased the Omni several months ago. I started, but then decided to put it on hold for a little while. I am ready to start again and can't wait to see results! I plan to begin again on Monday...wish me luck!

    I agree that the cardio was really tough and hurt my feet and knees. I bought expensive shoes and it didn't matter. All that jumping around is just not easy! what I had done was replace it with Zumba which is a great cardio workout and so much fun :smile:

    Good luck to you all! add me as a friend if you like :happy:
  • Cici2329
    Cici2329 Posts: 35
    I've thought about getting the mat workout to try her out. I don't want to go for the whole program yet, but the mat workout could be added to my current gym classes, I think. My goal is to drop a size, so I'm very interested in workouts that help you get smaller faster. :)

  • Cici2329
    Cici2329 Posts: 35
    Okay, I caved and ordered off QVC. Hope it gets here soon! Would love to keep this thread as accountability or just fun chatter about the workouts.

  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    hey ladies! Sorry, I forget to check back on my previous topics sometimes so more time goes by than I'd like and it seems like I'm ignoring it. Anyways, gald to hear from some more Tracy fans!! I caught part of her latest informercial on QVC last night, she got tearfully happy over a caller that was telling her about their success- it was sweet :o) shows you how much she really believes in her method and wants to help people!

    So, I've been lazy. confession time. I tried dedicating myself to the workouts initially about a month or so ago (or more..?) when I first got the metamorphosis kit in the mail i got through nine days of the first workout then got sick! Had a nasty cough for a couple of weeks so I wasn't working out regularly. Blah. After that I started over at day numero uno, only half dedicated, working out every other day mostly due to laziness and allowing myself to talk myself out of exercising after getting home from work. BAH! hate when I do that. pure laziness :o) So there's the honest truth! Took me the last three weeks to finally get to the second workout and i'm only two days into that. Trying really hard to rededicate myself to workout out every day after work.

    I'm giving the dance cardio another try- I downloaded a new playlist to my mp3 player this past weekend to help me from getting bored. So far have 33 songs and I want to look for more this weekend. The more variety the better for me to keep me hopping and dancing when I don't want to! No matter how much I love tracy and her moves, I still don't like exercising. It's baffling. You'd think by now I'd love it! lol. Oh well, I just have to be harder on myself! I like the dance cardio more now than i did last month so that's an improvement. I still love the muscle work though! No problem getting myself to do that part!

    SO, there you go! I'm two days into the second workout and am working back up to exercising 5 days a week (shooting for at least 4 this week), with two of those being the dance cardio, two doing jillian michael's banish fat boost metabolism dvd (great cardio!) and if I get a fifth in I'll go easy on myself and do the power yoga dvd I have.

    cici, glad you took the plunge! I don't think you'll regret it. I still don't agree with her diet but the nine muscle work excercises are worth the money alone to me! my advice is to count reps. The first time through any of the workouts is always confusing getting used to a new move and counting reps to make sure it hasn't changed from the usual 40, but then the 2nd time through it gets easier not having to crane your neck towards the tv all the time. Also add a warm up and cool down of your choice, vital to not be sore all the time.

    Diana, I also replace the dance cardio with other cardio as I mentioned above. At first I tried the dance cardio and hated it because I wanted to do it right and couldn't (slight perfectionist with no rhythm!) but I'm relaxing into it, getting used to the moves and listening to my own music helps a TON- I hate the sound track for her dvds.

    surprisingly I don't burn a ton of calories doing her workouts- what about you guys? When I do the muscle work, with the dance cardio, then a cool down 5-10 minutes of stretching I'll only burn about 350ish. I'm wondering i my HRM is accurate because I've got other friends on here that will post their workouts and burn really high like 700-800. wow! that's a ton. can't decide who's right! anyways yeah I like the idea of using this thread as a casual checkin and discussion too! I love small threads with a handful of people, more personal. have a good day ladies! I need to get busy (i'm at work).
  • DianaK78
    DianaK78 Posts: 55
    hey ladies! Sorry, I forget to check back on my previous topics sometimes so more time goes by than I'd like and it seems like I'm ignoring it. Anyways, gald to hear from some more Tracy fans!! I caught part of her latest informercial on QVC last night, she got tearfully happy over a caller that was telling her about their success- it was sweet :o) shows you how much she really believes in her method and wants to help people!

    So, I've been lazy. confession time. I tried dedicating myself to the workouts initially about a month or so ago (or more..?) when I first got the metamorphosis kit in the mail i got through nine days of the first workout then got sick! Had a nasty cough for a couple of weeks so I wasn't working out regularly. Blah. After that I started over at day numero uno, only half dedicated, working out every other day mostly due to laziness and allowing myself to talk myself out of exercising after getting home from work. BAH! hate when I do that. pure laziness :o) So there's the honest truth! Took me the last three weeks to finally get to the second workout and i'm only two days into that. Trying really hard to rededicate myself to workout out every day after work.

    I'm giving the dance cardio another try- I downloaded a new playlist to my mp3 player this past weekend to help me from getting bored. So far have 33 songs and I want to look for more this weekend. The more variety the better for me to keep me hopping and dancing when I don't want to! No matter how much I love tracy and her moves, I still don't like exercising. It's baffling. You'd think by now I'd love it! lol. Oh well, I just have to be harder on myself! I like the dance cardio more now than i did last month so that's an improvement. I still love the muscle work though! No problem getting myself to do that part!

    SO, there you go! I'm two days into the second workout and am working back up to exercising 5 days a week (shooting for at least 4 this week), with two of those being the dance cardio, two doing jillian michael's banish fat boost metabolism dvd (great cardio!) and if I get a fifth in I'll go easy on myself and do the power yoga dvd I have.

    cici, glad you took the plunge! I don't think you'll regret it. I still don't agree with her diet but the nine muscle work excercises are worth the money alone to me! my advice is to count reps. The first time through any of the workouts is always confusing getting used to a new move and counting reps to make sure it hasn't changed from the usual 40, but then the 2nd time through it gets easier not having to crane your neck towards the tv all the time. Also add a warm up and cool down of your choice, vital to not be sore all the time.

    Diana, I also replace the dance cardio with other cardio as I mentioned above. At first I tried the dance cardio and hated it because I wanted to do it right and couldn't (slight perfectionist with no rhythm!) but I'm relaxing into it, getting used to the moves and listening to my own music helps a TON- I hate the sound track for her dvds.

    surprisingly I don't burn a ton of calories doing her workouts- what about you guys? When I do the muscle work, with the dance cardio, then a cool down 5-10 minutes of stretching I'll only burn about 350ish. I'm wondering i my HRM is accurate because I've got other friends on here that will post their workouts and burn really high like 700-800. wow! that's a ton. can't decide who's right! anyways yeah I like the idea of using this thread as a casual checkin and discussion too! I love small threads with a handful of people, more personal. have a good day ladies! I need to get busy (i'm at work).

    I saw that QVC infomercial and how emotional Tracy got with that caller...I got a little choked up by her reaction! it was really nice. I had planned on starting yesterday, but that didn't happen :ohwell: I am shooting for this coming Monday for sure! I have to try the dance cardio again with my own music and see if I can handle it this time :) It was pretty rough on my feet the first time I tried it. I went out and bought some expensive Nike's and that didn't make a difference :-0

    I too only burn about 350 calories with her workout. I'm wondering if your friends are wearing a HR monitor or if they are going by the calculations on MFP?
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    maybe 350ish is what you're supposed to burn and their HRMs are inaccurate. When people have that high of a burn for a 60-90 min workout I sometimes wonder if they've got their level accurate or if it assesses that at all. On mine I have to specific "beginner, intermediate or advanced" and I figure when you've got it set at beginner it's a higher burn than the other two since you'd be working harder doing the same thing. Maybe that's whats going on! Oh well though, I'd much rather be on the lower end then to have it be over-estimated.

    I did day 3 of the second workout for hipcentric last night. Getting used to the moves more and more so that I don't have to look at the screen constantly. For me it takes a couple of times through it to adjust and not have to watch for prompts. Having my own music is WAY better for both of the workouts (muscle and cardio). I really dislike the music they chose for her. I can't see myself doing the dance cardio everyday- i'd get bored. I did jillian michael's last night and I'm actually more sore from that than I get from the dance cardio! haha. but that JM's some hardcore schtuff!

    I've got a potluck at work tomorrow so I'll be baking after work tonight instead of exercising so today's a day off exercise for me! I think my legs can use it- they're sore! I think they're confused. With the last few weeks spent only exercising every other day or every couple of days they don't know what the heck's going on working out two days in a row! haha. anyways, talk to you guys later!
  • Cici2329
    Cici2329 Posts: 35
    Mine should be here next week. I've been eating horribly the past two weeks, so I'm ready to get back on a plan. Lots of food events at work and I've not had the best self control. I'll be doing my own cardio since I'm working on C25K right now. May try the dance workouts a few time, but not everyday. I doubt I'll follow the diet, either, but it might have some good tips. I'm working on increasing my protein and decreasing my carbs. I'll also be quitting diet coke again next week.

  • Cici2329
    Cici2329 Posts: 35
    Mine is out for delivery! Should be able to start tomorrow.

  • euni2
    euni2 Posts: 27
    I recently got the Metamorphosis series and really enjoy the difference in her workouts compared to other videos I have. I have most of the Chalene Johnson DVD's, Turbo Jam and weight lifting.

    I'm wondering how to incorporate Tracy's workouts with the workouts I'm already doing. Can I do Tracy's in addition to the weight and cardio workouts I do in the morning? I was thinking I could do 30 minutes of the toning series in the evenings?
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    sounds like a good plan to me euni! As long as your muscles can take that much work :smile: I also really like her stuff because of how different it is compared to everything else! Nice to do something different.

    Glad yours is coming so quickly cici! I had to wait so long for mine, almost three weeks. Who knows why it took so long. hope it motivates you like it did me! I was so excited when I got it, I couldnt wait to try it!

    I haven't worked out the last two days... oh well. I'll workout hard tonight and tomorrow so I'll still get my goal of four days of exercise this week. That's not bad considering how lazy I've been for about the last month! We had a potluck yesterday here at work, i had SO MUCH BAD FOOD!!! lol it was soooo yummy. I'm expecting hunger today and rebellious thoughts of going back to naughty food but I brought a nice healthy salad for lunch and healthy snacks so I'm trying to stick to that. I'm trying to decide if I should change my eating habits up for a week or two to kick start things again, maybe cut out or harshly reduce carbs for a couple of weeks. I really don't like diets, I firmly believe losing weight should entail regular, realistic, balanced eating but i've been naughty for along time, I think I'm going to be real harsh for a couple of weeks to kick my loss in the butt. maybe. I haven't decided yet :o)

    Anyways, off to a boring workday! I work in a medical clinic, we have a lot of doctors on vacation so clinic's really slow today. I HATE slow fridays. They're the worst! Have a good day ladies!