
Starting on making some big changes! I love to get on here and see all the progress and goals. Thank you for all the inspiring stories. I'm a mom to two young kids. It started with my first pregnancy. Soon as I found out I started engorging myself with all the chocolate and everything else I "thought" I was craving. I had a miscarriage and as soon as possible we started trying to conceive again. In that short time period I didn't drop the weight that I had quickly put on. As you can imgine with stress and everything else, i basically blew up. Here we are with the youngest baby turning two in the fall and I'm the largest I've ever been.

I started going to the gym at the beginning of May. 2-3 times a week, first starting with 15 mins of cardio then 30 on weights. I stayed at the same weight for about a month. My OB said I needed to be doing at least 30 minutes of cardio and 15 on weights. Since I started working out, I've gained a few pounds and I feel no difference in my clothes. Doesn't help I wear scrubs 6 days a week. So I have lost my motivation along the way.

I'm ready to get back on track and see some results finally!


  • giammarcor
    giammarcor Posts: 217 Member
    You've come to the right place. Congrats on making the commitment to you!!! You'll love it here. A lot of great people and we are all behind you in your journey and ready to help when we can. Enjoy.
  • XxBri22xX
    XxBri22xX Posts: 183
    Many women experience weight gain after their first pregnancy. So your not alone! And that weight you may have gained after lifting weights may be muscle weight. Remember, muscle weighs more than fat! Follow your doctors advice though and do more cardio than lifting weights. Cardio will boost up your metabolism and help you lose fat quicker.
  • davidrt
    davidrt Posts: 162
    you have a good plan going id try 30 and 30 , start with the weights end with the cardio, remember you didnt gain it in a day its not coming off in a dat, also you will gain muscle as you lose fat pay less attention to the scale and more to the tape measure, good luck, feel free to add me if you want
  • Ritamas2
    Ritamas2 Posts: 319
    Hi and welcome,
    congrats on starting a journey with great rewards,
    one that makes you not only look better but more importantly
    feel better and something tells me with young children you
    need all the energy you can get, and exercise gives you that.

    This is a wonderful site for support and motivation, so
    ggod luck in meeting all of your goals and please feel free to add me!
  • TaraMetz
    TaraMetz Posts: 1
    Way to go! I just started with myfittnesspal, so you give me insperation