LEMON WATER (hot water with lemon juice in it ) is it bad??



  • kikisf
    kikisf Posts: 58 Member
    I started drinking lemon water first thing in the morning and in between meals at the advice of a fertility doctor and wound up in the hospital with an ulcer and severe gastritis.
  • libyloba
    Well I usually have it everyday around 5pm and it actually helps me feel full for a couple of hours. I like to add a little ginger and cinamon to it.
    :wink: Hi guys :) million hugs :)
    Well I have been following the 17 day diet and have a HUGE question about the Lemon water we drink in the am on a empty stomach...well my co workers have advised me NOT to drink the water in the am and especially on a empty stomach : / ? I dont know why its considered bad ..but they said it causes ULCER,THINNING OF THE LINNING OF THE STOMACH AND THINNING OF YOUR BLOOD ...ok I know it sounds weird or like BS but I am actually alittle worried can u guys let me know if this might be true>> I wanna be thin and healthy not thin and BLEEDING enternally hahahaha!
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Lemon water is not bad for you. It's a good way to make water more interesting. The acid in your stomach is more acidic than a lemon, so you can drink pure lemon juice and it won't harm your stomach.

    It doesn't have any magical properties, i.e. it's not going to do anything to help you lose fat that plain water (hot or cold) won't do. Water keeps you hydrated which is important for many, many things in your body. Lemon juice is a good source of vitamins, especially vitamin C. And people who don't like to drink plain water may like the taste of lemon juice water, so that will help them stay hydrated. That's as far as the benefits go, but it won't harm you unless you're allergic to lemons or something.

    If you like drinking it, carry on. If you don't like drinking it, there's no need to so don't. And if your co-workers say it's bad, ask them if they know what pH stomach acid is and what pH lemon juice is, and if they can't tell you, tell them they're not qualified to advice you what is or isn't too acidic for the stomach.
  • gertudejekyl
    gertudejekyl Posts: 386 Member
    I think it is good for you. I stumbled on this book recently "Why Stomach Acid Is Good for You: Natural Relief from Heartburn, Indigestion, Reflux and GERD" I think lemon in water is a health potion for mornings. I've heard it recommended many times.
  • fiidaelpetrova
    Hii ! Im 21 and im only 45kg, is it bad for me to drink lemon water? I don't want to looose weight :/
  • divajoni
    divajoni Posts: 52 Member
    although lemon seems like it should be acidic, it is actually alkalizing when ingested... google it. it is considered a healthful morning habit... i think the only real issue would be effect on teeth, so i would suggest rinsing your mouth afterwards.
  • persea
    persea Posts: 13
    I just realized this is an old post, but for anyone reading this... I have been consuming hot water with 1 slice of lemon (roughly 1/4" thick) first thing every morning and have had no issues. It's been a great cleanse for me so far. Lemon actually makes your body more alkaline from acidic which helps you slowly loose weight. Its not a miracle cure by any means and i'm sure it can impact everyone differently.. but in my case, it helps me cleanse and detox in the morning.