
I was jogging for like 10 minutes and then my side started hurting , i hate it so bad why does it happen?


  • BUMP
  • Inspiredtobe
    Inspiredtobe Posts: 53 Member
    I would like to know too! I've done some research and people seem to say it's because it's due to dehydration and not enough water consumption. I use to barely drink any water at all, but now I drink a whole bunch but it's still hurting sometimes. :/
  • merB89
    merB89 Posts: 122
    This happens to me when I drink water or eat too soon before I run. Usually I can't drink water at least an hour or more before going on a run or else I get a side cramp with out fail. BUT you do have to be hydrated, or you'll cramp up too. So keep hydrating throughout the day before your run and stop and hour or two before you plan to go. Hope this helps!
  • Thanks guys
  • helloiloveukitty
    helloiloveukitty Posts: 448 Member
    This happens to me when I drink water or eat too soon before I run. Usually I can't drink water at least an hour or more before going on a run or else I get a side cramp with out fail. BUT you do have to be hydrated, or you'll cramp up too. So keep hydrating throughout the day before your run and stop and hour or two before you plan to go. Hope this helps!

    this is my experience too
  • A stitch happens when we get air under the diaphram and the bouncing causes a pain. This can be caused through having too much in the stomach or breathing wrong - you will normally get it on one side? One way to combat this is to have no more than a small snack at least 1 hr before heading out and only SIPPING water when your out. If you get extra thirsty you can hold the water in your mouth for a second or two before swallowing. You can also train your breathing so you breath out on your leading foot stroke but it's all trial and error. When you do get a stitch pulling the knee on the affected side right up into your chest can release it a little. It hurts like hell but check google for a full explanation.
  • it could be a wind cramp. I don't know the cause, but i know if you push through it, it goes away. and i agree that hydrating is always a plus. :)
  • mfpchris
    mfpchris Posts: 279 Member
    I am 100% certain that science has not figured it out. There is no answer. Far and away the successful way of dealing with it, is that runners almost always have it go away after they start running regularly for a little while. It almost always goes away. It is very very common for runners just starting out.

    Nothing is wrong, it isn't dangerous, and your best bed is to just get through should happen less and less. Good luck.
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    This can be caused through having too much in the stomach or breathing wrong - you will normally get it on one side?

    Breathing shallow and not diaphragmaticallly has always been the reason behind me getting side stitches. Once I correct, it takes less than 2 minutes for it to go away.
  • brittanyscherich
    brittanyscherich Posts: 355 Member
    This sometimes happens if I run too soon after eating, or if I didn't stretch. Hope it ends soon xo
  • PA21
    PA21 Posts: 95 Member
    I used to get stitches as well. My routine is when I get to the gym I hop on a bike (sometimes with my gym bag still on- cant waste time!) for five minutes at a moderately quick pace with moderate resistance. After that I do a total body stretch (including my sides) for 5 minutes, then run for 20. Cramps happen when your muscles are breaking down and releasing acids (this is a good thing) and not getting enough O2. Making sure to stretch, not drink a lot of water, and breathing deeply will help get rid of the stitches. Also not eating an hour before you start working out.
    Hope that helps! Make sure you keep moving through it, it will get the blood to the affected area faster (=more O2).
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    i get stitch if i start off too fast
  • jodidlyO
    jodidlyO Posts: 37
    I don't know if it is a coincidence, but I used to always get a stitch when I was anaemic. It makes sense to me when I read the other posts about breathing incorrectly - when I was anaemic it was impossible to get enough breath when I exercised. Since I've been taking an iron supplement I never get a stitch and my stamina is SO much better!