Starting over...

aprilmwilson Posts: 21 Member
edited 7:46AM in Introduce Yourself
That's basically how I inevitably fee about weight-loss and exercise - I am always "starting over"....again. So here's hoping that this site will provide the extra push I need to get me to my goals and stay there. I have been on MFP for several months, but have been sporadic about logging food and even more sporadic about exercising. This week, I have tried to be consistent with logging my food each day and I already feel a sense of accomplishment from that small task. Anyway, just wanted to pop in and say "hey" and thanks in advance for all of the great information and support that I already have found by simply reading about other MFP members' successes and struggles. Now I am going to try to be part of the dialogue instead of just a bystander:)


  • Good luck with your fresh start! Feel free to add me if you're looking for some support along the way :)
  • _Sally_
    _Sally_ Posts: 514 Member
    Glad to see you are re-committing to your goals. Good for you!!

    Keep your focus on why you are doing this and the logging and exercise do become a habit over time. They say it takes 3 - 4 weeks for new activites to become a habit, so maybe break it down and have weekly goals for logging and exercise. it's important to log, even if you go over your calorie budget because it maintains the habit of logging and you will find that you often are still eating less than you would have if you weren't logging.

    good luck!
  • mcc75
    mcc75 Posts: 72
    Hi and welcome...i did the same...fiddled wth mfp but didnt do it doing it properly now..not off to best start as although eating well and training hard theres not been much weightloss yet...but i'm giving it a go...decided to weigh in regular on tuesdays...see tue weigh in post. feel free to join in
  • aprilmwilson
    aprilmwilson Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks for the words of encouragement! I am just at a point in my life where everything else seems to have fallen into place except this. I am tired of falling asleep each evening feeling bad about myself and waking up each morning feeling hopeless. I am sick of making excuses for myself and looking for quick fixes to what has truly been a life-long struggle with my weight. I am ready to feel success and contentment!
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