Loosing Belly Fat.

MaitreyeeMAYHEM Posts: 559 Member
edited September 29 in Food and Nutrition
I've been trying to get rid of it for FOREVER!!!! I stopped drinking and I still won't go away. I do lower ab work outs, eating yogurt, more sleep (well attempting), tried drinking lemon juice, eating more fruit, and increased my metabolism. It has helped but not solve the problem. I read in shape magazine that eating turnips and getting more protein help. Should I give it a try? What else works?

Source for turnip article: http://www.shape.com/weight-loss/diet-strategies/top-50-summer-diet-foods-for-weight-loss?slide=32488


  • trainguy917
    trainguy917 Posts: 366 Member
    The sad reality is that you can't spot reduce fat. Your body will lose fat wherever it chooses and no one has figured out how to eat or exercise in a way to choose what body fat to lose. You just have to keep burning fat and it will go away eventually.
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    its done by lowering over all bf %. Your body will choose where it wants to lose the fat, and you can't really influence it. However, if your overall fat lever is low enough it will go. Not saying that dropping to a low bf is a great idea, but that's what it takes.
  • EmilyLeask
    EmilyLeask Posts: 10
    You can't really choose to loose it in one place
    You have to just loose weight, and It will be removed from your body as you go!!!!
    Good luck!
    I want to get rid of mine too.
    Give me a message if you want a belly-blasting-buddy! x
  • nehushtan
    nehushtan Posts: 566 Member
    Same problem here... I'm trying strength training and HIIT. All the best!
  • tifmarie9
    tifmarie9 Posts: 28 Member
    Make sure you are not eating white bread. Only wheat or whole grain. White bread does add to belly fat (and fat in general).
  • MaitreyeeMAYHEM
    MaitreyeeMAYHEM Posts: 559 Member
    Trainguy- How do u burn fat?

    Jen- I don't wanna lose all of it but just some so I'm flat. I understand that women do have bf because we do have kids and we need to carry it. That is also why its hard to lose weight in our thighs, we need strength or fat to carry our kids.

    Tabby- I eat 100% whole grain wheat bread.
  • AdymondNtheRuff
    AdymondNtheRuff Posts: 108 Member
    I understand cause i have a very big stomach ... You still look great it could be worst... i am sure your doing everything you can some times genetics is also an issue!
  • Try the "Belly Fat Cure" sugar and carb counter by Jorge Cruise. The premise is to limit your sugars and refined carbs. You count them, and this app makes it so easy. You can have 6 servings of good carbs (under 20 grams is a serving), under 4 grams doesn't count! The big thing is no more than 15 grams of sugar a day. You'd be surprised to know how many hidden sugars are in your food. Sugar is the big culprit for turning into fat! I've only been doing it for a few weeks now, but can see the difference in my clothes. You can download the book electronically for $9.00 from Kindle. It's very interesting and suggests the right kind of foods. Give it a try and see.
  • my belly is still far from perfect, but in the mirror the other day, i was shocked to notice that it's lost a bit of its pooch and jiggle, and some abs are starting to show through. = ) i'm going to assume that this is because of the combination and circuit workouts i've been doing lately. (i'm going on a trip at the end of the month, so i've been going a little harder in the gym than usual.) so maybe try combining your strength and cardio routines, boot camp style. and be sure to get enough strength training, building overall muscle is amazing for "burning fat" that you were asking about.
  • pinktoesjb
    pinktoesjb Posts: 302 Member
    Are we talking actual fat or having a big belly from bloating? For bloating, I recommend dropping refined carbs and all bread/wheat. Reducing caffeine can help too and get plenty of water. You can't spot reduce flab but if you just diet and don't exercise you have the danger of everything just dropping a bit as you lose weight, especially if you're over 30! When I lose without exercising I get kind of saggy, you need to do both.

    I read recently that low impact exercise is better at fat burning, so walking, less intense aerobics etc will help this as even though high impact stuff like running and high intensity aerobics will burn more calories you need the energy to keep up faster than you can burn fat so you will burn sugar stores instead.

    Keep at it and put the effort in, you will get there.
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