Another question...

I am a CNA but only on-call, meaning I only work a few days a month. In my profile, I have my activity level set to sedentary. So, my question is, on the days I work, do I add the incredible amount of walking I do, or not? I don't want to cheat myself out of a work out or "lie" to myself about it....


  • mamacremers
    mamacremers Posts: 183 Member
    I'd just count them as bonus days!
  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    I'm a nursing student and just did my CNA clinicals. I added a bonus 30-45 min aerobic work out (because we know lifting and moving people is aerobic!) on the days I was at clinicals (8+ hours) since my other days were still sedentary (my setting). If I didn't feel extra hungry though I didn't worry about eating them back like I do my normal exercise calories.