Obsessive Personality

Hey there! I have a little bit of a problem and I'd like to get some advice. I have a somewhat obsessive personality. When I start doing something, I have the tendency to get so involved in it that sometimes it's all I pay attention to for hours at a time, and that will continue for days. I know that's what happened when I first started MFP this January. I was doing really well, but I would have entire days where the majority of my day was devoted to tracking my calories, planning out the next meal, working out, and looking into the future. That's why I couldn't make it work when I went back to school. I know that I'm doing the same thing over again, which is frustrating, but I keep justifying it by saying that hyper-monitoring my calories now will lead to less dependency on this site later.

Do you have any ideas for things that could a) reduce my time on MFP and b) reduce the time I spend during the day prepping and planning out meals?

I'm thinking about pre-packaging my meals, but I'm not sure of the best way to maximize that process. I'm also considering pre-planning my days the night before (and limiting myself to half an hour on the site at that time).


  • Emmy_Ann
    Emmy_Ann Posts: 60
    I pre-make all my meals.. I sit down on Fridays cause Sat is my grocery day and I plan out a week's worth of meals for myself and then a weeks worth of meals for the hubby/kids.. And then I either half saturday and half sunday or all day after church making my meals for the week.. I freeze half so they don't go nasty before I get to them.. and there you go.. Would solve your problem of being obsessive about what your eating, it would take the planning from a day to day process down to 1 day a week.. would free up your time too!!! I don't find myself cooking NEARLY as much as I used to and I rather like it :)
  • staciekins
    staciekins Posts: 453 Member
    I find it is easier to designate a schedule for yourself. If you make a schedule a habit, your OCD will kick in because you want to keep this habit and schedule. Plan times to go on MFP. Allow yourself 5 min or so to log in your foods 3 times a day and then maybe 1 hour at night for chatting and whatnot. Setup a time right before or after your night logging to prepare food for the next day or do so in the morning upon rising.
  • brit49
    brit49 Posts: 461 Member
    Im the same way, So I plan what Im going to eat, the day before, Like last night I knew what I was going to eat at the restaurant, which was chiken salad no dressing. And it worked.
  • Happy_endings
    I am the same way! I spend way too much time on MFP!!!! It replaced my facebook addiction thats for sure! I saw a commercial for Red Lobster 4 course meal last week and I was instantly on the database calculating that meal. (over 2000 calories if you were wondering)

    I do things like that all the time, I sat down and made a "old college life" and calculated a whole week of how I ate in college. It was mind blowing, and I wondered why I gained so much in those years!!

    I know I could be utilizing my time better, but I feel like MFP opens my eyes to alot of things. I actually dug out my nutrition book from freshman year in college and started reading it seeing if I could post something interesting for my friends on here. I'm totally lame. lol
  • ruffledviolet
    For me, I eat the same stuff almost every day... so once I realized that, I couldn't really spend that much time planning meals.