At the height of not caring...



  • demure_poetic
    I could eat a whole pizza (not in one sitting, but definitely throughout a day) and probably a family size bag of Better Made BBQ potato chips, plus one of those giant size slurpees from 7-11.

    I gave up the chips (courtesy of their unavailability in DC, lol) and soda/slurpees totally. I'll splurge on pizza once in a while, but stick to thin crust.

    But yeah, at my point of not caring at all, it was pretty bad.

    i'm the exact same way with pizza... i'm trying to stay away from it.... ill eat so much like 4 slices at once...then a few hours later more..then again..and even next day in morning... i was basically replacing meals with leftover pizzas.... i cna also relate to not eating at all in the day ..forget who wrote that...but the way I did it was maybe eat little snacks like cheese strings or other crappy useless stuff then by end of day im craving something real and usually meaty... cheese and chocolate ( not together) are 2 of my favourite foods... they are my worst enemies... those and butter chicken...if you don;t know what it is google it...its an indian food you eat with "naan" ....deadly... i actually havn't checked out the calories for it yet...think i'll do so now! ...but anyways im putting all of that behind me (minus my daughters birthday party that was just celebrated yesterday) im ready to move on.... been very busy with birthday stuff so was off the exercise train for a while... didn't lose anymore weight but maintained... now im going to work extra hard!
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    People always talk about the overeating. I was never an overeater. I was an irregular eater. I could easily go all day without eating and around 6pm fix dinner. The worse was my sweet tooth. A half pint of ice cream was in in one, maybe two sittings and not the 4 servings on the label. I ate tons of veg, but I also ate a lot of refined sugar and flours. I also loved fried foods, still do.

    The turning point for me regulating my meals and learning to eat breakfast. Cutting back on processed foods also gave me energy like I have never has before.
  • BethanyCee
    BethanyCee Posts: 70
    When I was at my worst at the beginning of this year, I was eating a huge bowl of pasta for dinner and following it with half a bag of chips. Not every night, but pretty close. I was really feeling like I had no control of my life and was feeling so much shame. About two months of that is what kickstarted me into my new life choices of eating better and working out.
  • cheshirechic
    cheshirechic Posts: 489 Member
    In undergrad, I once ate almost an entire pound of pasta. And I was sober. :embarassed:
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    me and my partner would sit down on a saturday night in front of the TV and eat a whole block of chocolate 400g a big packet of potato chips, maybe 2L of soft drink, 2 Large pizzas.... it was disgusting....

    no wonder we were so fat!
  • Cosmic_Unicorn
    Cosmic_Unicorn Posts: 150 Member
    I liked to eat entire pizzas. And there was no way I could open a big bag of chips and not eat the entire thing. Okay, I still can't do that. I don't buy chips anymore for a reason! And I make much healthier (and smaller) pizzas now too. Hoorah.
  • ItsMeMaryW
    ItsMeMaryW Posts: 119 Member
    I skipped breakfast thinking it would cut down on my calories for the day. If I did eat breakfast it was a sausage McMuffin from McDonalads. I also got the high calorie coffees with lots of sugar and of course the largest size. Then at lunch I'd pig out, burgers, the big fries, pop. Dinner was pizza or Mac and Cheese the intire pan of a stoffers Large size, or a burrito at Baja Fresh covered in sauce and chips (I looked that up 1600 Calories, Yikes). I had a candy dish on my desk at work that I ate out of all day long. I always said it was for visitors but I ate the most of it. Honestly, it feels good to be honest about my eating for the first time. I didn't always eat as much as others but I always ate the wrong things.
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    Pint of Ben & Jerry's, a frozen pizza, a bag of chips, a box of oreos. Probably more.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Back in the day I would skip breakfast, have a tiny lunch, and then stop at 7-11 or Mac's on my way home from work and buy: 2 chocolate bars, a bag of sunflower seeds, and a giant bag of Salt & Vinegar chips. To top it off I'd buy some sort of fizzy pop to drink. I'd finish off the chocolate bars on the bus (both of them!!!) and open the bag of chips. I'd get home, have supper (usually 2-3 slices of frozen pizza) and alternate between the chips and the sunflower seeds for the rest of the night. I'd finish off the chips that night usually and the sunflower seeds would last me a couple of days (because the salt made my lips crack if I ate them too quickly).

    I would restock on the junk food a couple of times a week.

    The only reason I never got higher than 265-270 is because during that time my husband and I were carless and had to walk a decent distance on a regular basis.

    All I gotta say is, NEVER AGAIN.
  • Samerah12
    Samerah12 Posts: 610 Member
    The one thing I really remember was stress eating (in grad school, my worst eating habits are from school related stress, apparently other stressers don't affect me the same way) an entire large papa johns hawaiian pizza with that butter garlic sauce, FOR DINNER. As in I also had breakfast and lunch that day. And if my memory serves I had gone out to Mexican for lunch. Easily a 4,000-5,000 calorie day. Shortly after that I was at my highest weight ever (suprise, suprise).
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    Oye...I can definitely remember days when I stopped at McD's to grab their breakfast burrito combo with a large Hazelnut iced coffee, then went to Taco Bell for lunch to get a couple 1/2 lb. cheesy bean and rice burritos and a large Dr. Pepper...then go out to eat for dinner at either Maria's (where it seems like I could eat an endless amount of chips and salsa/queso) or a Chinese buffet where I could easily down 3 plates of food (all the fried stuff, not the healthy fishy stuff). Once I started adding up the calories in what I was eating, it made sense to me why I topped out at scared me! I still enjoy all of those same things from time to time, just not all in the same day, and definitely in more moderation!
  • LauraMarie37
    LauraMarie37 Posts: 283 Member
    I could eat a whole pizza (not in one sitting, but definitely throughout a day)

    I still CAN eat a whole pizza, only I do it in one sitting. :blushing:

    I actually did that last night. All 8 pieces of a large pizza down the gullet...

    When we diet, are our stomachs not supposed to shrink? Cause seriously, I can still eat like I used to when I was 191 pounds and not get a stomach ache. At all. I just choose not to eat that way, most of the time. Last night was different cause it was my bachelorette party and I ate and drank enough for all of you, lol. :drinker:

    I remember even coming home from school...I would have already ate a lunch at school, but right when I got home I made myself 3 cheese stuffed hotdogs. Then my mom would cook dinner and I would have seconds or thirds. Then I would have either a dessert, or God forbid, fourths later on in the evening. Wake up, have 2 pop tarts, then some snacks at school, then lunch and repeat. No wonder I was a size 20 in high school.

    Congrats on your upcoming wedding!!! I hope it's amazing and memorable and beautiful!

    One of my worst meals was one summer at ballet camp...the home of crazy eating disorders trying to top each other. For dinner one night, I ate an entire large Papa John's pizza with two garlic butter sauces, an entire order of their cheese sticks with another tub of garlic butter, and then a whole pint of Ben and Jerry's chocolate cookie dough ice cream. My dorm was on the 16th floor and the studios were on the 2nd floor...I then ran up and down the stairs between my dorm and the studios until I passed out in the stairway, where someone found me a few hours later. (They were stumbling back drunk from some underage party, which is why they just woke me up and didn't get help or anything.) It still took me another year and a half to realize I was sick and begin to get help. =/
  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    I just remembered probably the lowest point in my uncontrollable eating. I went to the grocery store once and bought a package of Johnsonville Beddar Cheddar Brats. I picked up a pack of hot dog buns, noticed there were 12 buns and 6 brats. So what did I do, bought another pack of brats. I ate all 12 brats in about 6 hours loaded with onions, relish, cheese, ketchup and mustard. Yep, extra cheddar cheese on brats with cheese inside them already. Can't believe I just shared that. I guess MFP is cheaper than a psychologist and these forums can be very cathartic.
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    Many of my "snacks" hit 2,200 to 2,800 calories. Entire bag of chips. Entire bag of cheese curds. During holidays huge amounts of snack candybars. If the bag was closed I would not open it, but if it was open it was GONE!

    Arrrggggg, thanks for the reminder of those days of weakness. :wink:

    This would be me. But with huge portions and seconds on meals! I could eat like a man, but i'm the size of a 12 yr old. That doesn't mix well. It especially stopped working for me when I got to 45 yrs old!
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    Whole packets of cookies dipped in tea, whole tubs of ice cream, whole giant packets of tortilla chips & dips etc

    These are things I could literally demolish in one sitting. I am amazed I wasn't actually double the weight I was. I still need to be VERY careful with ice cream :)
  • kitinboots
    kitinboots Posts: 589 Member
    My heaviest was a few years ago, working in a bar that served food. I'd have a full English breakfast, a cheese and ham toastie for a snack, a burger and chips or ribs and chips for lunch, maybe some more chips in the afternoon, a staff meal, and a pizza or a burger in town later. That combined with a full day of drinking everyday, I'm surprised I didn't get heavier than I was! Luckily this ws only for 5 months, then I moved to France and became a little more conscious of how much I was eating (plus I was so poor I had to live off rice and vegetables for the summer!!)
  • kdouglas11
    kdouglas11 Posts: 185 Member
    Ditto on the pizza. I could put an entire one away. And if I couldn't I'd come back to it later in the day and finish it off. It was strange how I could see myself in the mirror but not really SEE what I was becoming. Since waking up to it now though, I can't see anybody but the big guy even though I'm back down to my high school waistline. Main thing now is we're on it. We're aware. And those days are behind.

    I still see a fat girl too! I mean I know you're a guy, but I don't see the 'me' under the layers of fat I had. I still sometimes look in the mirror and still think I'm huge... and I'm really not... so now I have some emotional/psychological stuff to deal with!
  • bossymom
    bossymom Posts: 41 Member
    Years ago, I could eat a half gallon of ice cream in a day. I'd vomit if I tried that now. :)
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    Forgot to add that I went through a phase of HAVING to buy crisps and chocolate every time I stopped at a petrol station to fill up the car. Then I got into the habit of going even if I didn't have to fill up the car- on the way back from work nearly every day for ages. Then I would go home and have dinner and still eat more afterwards as I felt I may as well as I had "ruined" my day already.
  • KourtneyP83
    KourtneyP83 Posts: 319
    Half a pizza and some breadsticks to follow....gosh how horrible when you really think about it. About 1520 calories in one meal...