Lady,s When you are on your periods,Do any you have low energy? It seems i do my whole period week,though i been having alot of probables with my periods,CAN ANY ONE HELP! I EAT A LOT TO I THINK I GAIN TO MUCH THAT WEEK:sad:


  • rachel41
    rachel41 Posts: 354 Member
    Lady,s When you are on your periods,Do any you have low energy? It seems i do my whole period week,though i been having alot of probables with my periods,CAN ANY ONE HELP! I EAT A LOT TO I THINK I GAIN TO MUCH THAT WEEK:sad:
  • Fab140
    Fab140 Posts: 1,976 Member

    And no matter how "low" your energy is, go for a walk!! It'll get your heart rate up and move oxygen into your brain to wake you up!

    Believe me, I'm a mess the week before my period due to nuesea and that darn ovarian cyst I have. Then during it...ugh....I could sleep all day and be happy!!!

    But if you move, you're using calories and maybe not gaining the weight you would if you plopped in fron tof the TV with a big thing of ice cream and watched cable tv....

  • rachel41
    rachel41 Posts: 354 Member
    I know i should do that!!! I have a lot of pain to.I have ovarian cysts, on both of my ovaries,I am just upset with the whole thing.I hate having pms it seems like it is most of the time.The doctors want to give me this shot to put me in menopause.I don,t know if i want to do that . I don,t know much about want is in the shot.
  • shuckybucky
    Progesterone or Estrogin is in the shot. Most women are very thankful afterwards. It tricks your body into menopause (much like the depo-provera shot) and stops the symptoms. Most women have ovarian cysts and as we age PMS gets worse. You have to find a routine for that weak. Exercise will get you through and plan your meals----remove all junk food and bring in the fresh stuff!!!!! The symptoms will ease as you get more in shape and loose weight. HANG IN THERE.
  • jacmiley
    jacmiley Posts: 202 Member
    in general - when my energy is low - I take B complex vitamins. I actually have a b complex vitamin c vitamin which is great. B for energy and C for defense since I work at a school.